IGBT signals problem
Physics Junkie
Registered Member #7267
Joined: Tue Oct 16 2012, 12:16AM
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teravolt wrote ...
maybe some of your earlier scope shots that were puzzling might be from shorted or clamping TVS
That actually exactly what I think happened with the other board which is why the 33v zeners on the emitter side went dead (probably why at least, I cant prove it). None of my driver chips ever failed, blew up, or even got the slightest bit warm though. The overshoots make the Vpp about 41-42 so its just on the edge at +20 to +21 and so far I have not had a problem with that as far as I know.
Regarding the 2V differential wave form, I'm going to ignore it for now since everything seems to check out.. its not like the differential waveform is all distorted anyways, it looks just fine other then the fact that it's +-2 V roughly. It HAS to be an attenuation error somewhere or something of the sort because it just doesn't make sense. Unless the scope shot of the emitter only raises an eyebrow to anyone.. but yeah.. just going to ignore it for the time being.
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