DRSSTC transistor protection
Registered Member #599
Joined: Thu Mar 22 2007, 07:40PM
Location: Northern Finland, Rovaniemi
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Thats excatly what i do too but my transformer is 4kV NST :) I have found couple bad ones too which "test ok" with multimeter diode/resistance range but start to break down at around 800V
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Registered Member #2922
Joined: Sun Jun 13 2010, 12:08AM
Posts: 226
In my big drsstc with cm300 full-bridge I'm using a XY line filter at the input of the coil bridge and at the output of the boost. The Ys caps are grounded using a separated ground, not the secondary RF ground. The driver uses a line filter at the output of the 24V transformer using the same filter ground. It will keep all circuit at the same potential if something goes wrong with flash-overs or primary strikes.
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