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4hv.org :: Forums :: General Science and Electronics
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Condesation/Fractional distillation of air

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Move Thread LAN_403
Mon Sept 03 2012, 11:43PM
IamSmooth Registered Member #190 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 12:00AM
Posts: 1567
I did leave out the heat sink that would cool the compressed gas, so it was colder during expansion. Linde compressed his gas to 3000 psi. I have not looked at thermodynamics for some time, but I came across these equations:


Using air with a gamma of 1.4, am I correct that going from 200 atm to 1 atm should drop the temperature as such:

T2/T1 = (1/200)^(0.286)
T2/T1 = 0.22

T2 = (298K)(0.22)
T2 = 65K

So, it seems that a compressor that gives me 200 atm (3000 psi) should be able to do it as long as I can get rid of enough of the heat from the compressed gas. Does this seem reasonable?

What you were describing, Marko, with the Stirling engine using helium is how the Cryocooler systems work. I've seen some for sale, but they are over $1000.
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Tue Sept 04 2012, 12:05AM
2Spoons Registered Member #2939 Joined: Fri Jun 25 2010, 04:25AM
Posts: 615
The wikipedia article on the Joule-Thompson effect Link2 has some good information.
You don't have to go to 200bar to get this to work, but lower pressures will be less effective. One thing I have read (can't recall where) is that the counter-current heat exchanger needs to be as efficient as possible i.e. long and well insulated.

Using a piston for expansion is even more effective as this removes energy from the gas, which can be mechanically returned to the compressor. Getting a piston seal to work at LN2 temps could be interesting.
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Tue Sept 04 2012, 12:17AM
Patrick Registered Member #2431 Joined: Tue Oct 13 2009, 09:47PM
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Do large industrial gas suppliers use ultra high speed turbines to lower the atmospheric temp effciently for high volume operation? It seems like that what was on TV somewhere...
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Tue Sept 04 2012, 12:40AM
IamSmooth Registered Member #190 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 12:00AM
Posts: 1567
2Spoons wrote ...

Using a piston for expansion is even more effective as this removes energy from the gas, which can be mechanically returned to the compressor. Getting a piston seal to work at LN2 temps could be interesting.

I've read about all of this. I don't plan on fabricating my own compressor, so I doubt I will be able to get the expanding gas to do any work. I will probably be stuck with a standard expansion valve. I need to find a compressor that goes close to 200 bar and is oil-free so it does not freeze at the low temperatures. Anyone have suggestions where I can get one?
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Tue Sept 04 2012, 01:28AM
2Spoons Registered Member #2939 Joined: Fri Jun 25 2010, 04:25AM
Posts: 615
You'd be looking at something like a SCUBA compressor for 200 bar, but they are horribly expensive.
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Tue Sept 04 2012, 01:37AM
IamSmooth Registered Member #190 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 12:00AM
Posts: 1567
Yup. I've been searching the internet and have seen paint-ball and scuba compressors and they are expensive. I saw something in california that is "for parts" that is cheap, but the shipping would be huge. I'm going to have to wait until something appears closer to me.

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Tue Sept 04 2012, 01:52AM
2Spoons Registered Member #2939 Joined: Fri Jun 25 2010, 04:25AM
Posts: 615
Why not go for 20 bar to start with, using a domestic freezer to get the compressor output down as far as possible? You can always upgrade later.
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Tue Sept 04 2012, 02:23PM
IntraWinding Registered Member #2261 Joined: Mon Aug 03 2009, 01:19AM
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Ash Small
Tue Sept 04 2012, 03:10PM
Ash Small Registered Member #3414 Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 05:05PM
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I found this link:

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Pinky's Brain
Tue Sept 04 2012, 03:51PM
Pinky's Brain Registered Member #2901 Joined: Thu Jun 03 2010, 01:25PM
Posts: 837
2Spoons wrote ...

Why not go for 20 bar to start with, using a domestic freezer to get the compressor output down as far as possible? You can always upgrade later.
The problem is the oil, not that that makes it impossible ... but you will need oil traps before the expansion valve.
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