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4hv.org :: Forums :: General Science and Electronics
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Condesation/Fractional distillation of air

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Bored Chemist
Tue Feb 04 2014, 09:24PM
Bored Chemist Registered Member #193 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 07:04AM
Location: sheffield
Posts: 1022
That is an unequivocally "cool" video.
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Tue May 27 2014, 05:29PM
IamSmooth Registered Member #190 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 12:00AM
Posts: 1567
I have added further to my tutorials for others to duplicate my work.

I have added a web tutorial on how to make a nitrogen gas generator. It is big and heavy and not for everyone. However, if you have a place for it, you can get an endless supply of nitrogen gas from the air. I use it now for filling my car tires.
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Wed May 28 2014, 01:57AM
Patrick Registered Member #2431 Joined: Tue Oct 13 2009, 09:47PM
Location: Chico, CA. USA
Posts: 5639
Super duper cool vid...
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Wed May 28 2014, 08:04AM
Artlav Registered Member #8120 Joined: Thu Nov 15 2012, 06:06PM
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 94
Seen that one on Instructables, and the name sounded familiar. :)
Great job!

Concerning the site - is that intended as the last page?

There is no next link on it, and it kind of feels like you stopped in the middle.

I also haven't found details on the throttle/needle valve yet.
Is that is some sort of store-bought part?

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Wed May 28 2014, 11:48PM
IamSmooth Registered Member #190 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 12:00AM
Posts: 1567
Artlav wrote ...

Seen that one on Instructables, and the name sounded familiar. :)
Great job!

Concerning the site - is that intended as the last page?

There is no next link on it, and it kind of feels like you stopped in the middle.

I also haven't found details on the throttle/needle valve yet.
Is that is some sort of store-bought part?

I rewrote the last page and gave the part number. I left a Google search bar so people can search in their area for the parts. Just google Generant and you will find distributors for the valve. This one is specifically made for high pressure and cryogenic temperatures.
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Thu May 29 2014, 10:00PM
Artlav Registered Member #8120 Joined: Thu Nov 15 2012, 06:06PM
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 94
Ah, thought so.

One more advice, for both this and IH site - Index.
A table of contents, a list of pages, anything.
It's really hard to click through all the pages looking for a specific one.
Bookmarks are no help, since there are no back links either - you want previous page? Start from the beginning.
It is really annoying.

And a minor one - ADs are really mixing with the text on this one, would be nice to put a touch more distance between them and the text, or any other even slightly contrasting feature, like a different background tone for the text.
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Sat May 31 2014, 02:17AM
BigBad Registered Member #2529 Joined: Thu Dec 10 2009, 02:43AM
Posts: 600
Very impressive.

Soooooo.... is the ice cream any good?

(You've GOT to make ice cream!)
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Tue Jun 10 2014, 05:34PM
Artlav Registered Member #8120 Joined: Thu Nov 15 2012, 06:06PM
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 94
A couple more question, about the PSA.

First, what are Carbon Molecular Sieves?
Where do you buy it?
Is there a trade name, or something like that?

I'm trying to find a local source or analogue, and having troubles translating.
Activated carbon and zeolites are the raw materials, apparently, but not anything specific.

Second, have you checked what comes out as the exhaust gas?
Is it usefully purified oxygen?
In other words, can this be made to produce both gasses at once?
Or does oxygen production require another unit, using different sieve material?
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Thu Jun 12 2014, 06:49PM
IamSmooth Registered Member #190 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 12:00AM
Posts: 1567
I fully discuss CMS here Link2

It is a man-made carbonaceous material. There is no trade name to my knowledge. This is not the same as zeolite, although it is similar.

If you want to buy it I have established sources and you would need to contact me. Otherwise, you may be paying a lot more in the USA since this seems to be made in China and other foreign countries.

The exhaust gas is enriched O2. I never tried to get an accurate measurement, but one can get high concentrations depending on the timing between beds, and whether or not you add another stage. As the gas flows down the bed more and more O2 is removed from the stream.
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Wed Jun 18 2014, 07:21PM
Artlav Registered Member #8120 Joined: Thu Nov 15 2012, 06:06PM
Location: Moscow, Russia
Posts: 94
I'm in Russia, so China is quite a bit closer.

Problem is, i wasn't able to find anything meaningful on either CMS or "Carbon Molecular Sieves" keywords or their literal translations.
Best i can get are desiccants.

If you have any links or sources, i'll appreciate hearing about them.
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