Transformer Winding Memorys
Registered Member #4463
Joined: Wed Apr 18 2012, 08:08AM
Location: MI's Upper Peninsula
Posts: 597
When I was about seven I found a very large electrolyric capacitor. I looked up in the dictionary what a capacitor was and saw it said something along the lines of "a device which stores electrical energy". So, I bent the leads so that they would fit in to an electrical socket and plugged it in to the nearest outlet. I then went and told my grandfather that we wouldn't have to worry about losing power as I found a capacitor and plugged it in to save power for later.
Thankfully I plugged it in between neutral and ground, because I would have surely overvolted the likely 16v polarized cap and it would have probably burst in my hand.
I knew how batteries worked from a young age and knew that devices would only work when you had the + and - matched up correctly, but couldn't understand until I was much older why electricity that was not used yet would not stay in a wire when you unplugged it, hehe.
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Alex M
Registered Member #3943
Joined: Sun Jun 12 2011, 05:24PM
Location: The Shire, UK
Posts: 552
Shorting out old car battery's for the sparks when I was about 8 then wondering why the wire was getting hot...then getting a telling off from my dad.
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