All around questions for DRSSTC
Registered Member #599
Joined: Thu Mar 22 2007, 07:40PM
Location: Northern Finland, Rovaniemi
Posts: 624
Uspring wrote ... Kizmo wrote: Nope i have not measured that. Proximity losses in primary is quite a problem though :) Yes and also the skin effect. It can all be lumped into a primary loss resistance. I think it is an interesting parameter especially for low primary Z coils. The measurement is easy: Remove the breakout point or better all of the secondary, if it is not too much of a hassle, lower the bus voltage, so that you don't get a breakout and increase burst length until the primary current has flattened. That will get you an estimate of the primary loss resistance and what fraction of the input power is wasted in the primary tank. Heh i guess i could do that. But it seems that the skin effect is not that big player in this game. My conductors have plenty of surface area (primary is made from copper ribbon). But i did manage to overheat the two inner turns (out of 4 turns in use) of my primary so badly that the copper changed its color Rest of the tank circuit wiring is just mildly warm. I guess that is one drawback of having flat spiral primary. This primary current leveling out thing is greatly effected by tuning and i can get similar spark performance with other tune points too without this flattening effect.
If i remember right Ward measured some time ago that big drsstc primary circuit will easily "eat" few kilowatts worth of power.
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