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teravolt wrote ...
Hear is a cuple more examples the first three pictures are of my SLR inverter under conctruction project 2 and the fourth and fifth is project 1 a DRSSTC, a over all picture and wave forms. I would like to use those IF-D96 reciever and transmiter I'm not shure what sort of fall time they have. That will detemin what sort of frequeny it is pausible to use them up to. I'm shure they will handle a interuptor pulse as shown in the vid. The one thing that people have complaned about is the delay on optical links hopfully I can work that out or it won't be a problem with something like phase leading. I like optics because I can controle the drive signals to my IGBT's more precisly than transformers. I relise this might be a little advanced for this thread but you can get an idea what is pausible because to my knowlage no body has been willing to do it. if people want ideas I am willing to help. I like this thread because I plan to audio modulat miy DRSSTC in the future
Your work is fantastic!!!! I really like your gate drive setup, it just looks incredibly professional.
I'm betting those ST fiber units would also work well in a gate drive situation. If I remember right they have a bandwidth of 125MHz with I would think is more than suitable for KHz range gate drive. The fiber is probably even faster than the 74HC logic chips.... hehe
Registered Member #195
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thanks goodchild, thats exactly what I designed them for. In my latest version the fiber optic HFBR-2521z (I think has a 5Mhz response)drives a 74hc14 and then intern drives a ixdd414ci then drives the gate at a 0 to 20v gate signal. the limeting factor is the IXDD414ci heat disapation but I bet I might be able to squeek a Mhz out of it on a pulse basis. I was useing opto isolators insted but I find that the FO's are better. each gate has its own raw DC power supply for 4 supplies and regulators on the board. With FO's and optos I get galvonic isolaton from each other and the mains. I have got theas IGBT's up to 170Khz faster than my resonant primary. I can accuratly controle the on time of each gate like deadtime. it is accualy prety easy to setup, circuit wise, it just requires alot more preperation than transformers.
Registered Member #195
Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 08:27PM
Location: Berkeley, ca.
Posts: 1111
have you ladies and gentlemen seen Phillips SD card music generator
this type of modulation could be done. I wonder if a analog converter could be built or digital that would take a audio signal and convert it into a group of 300us pulses that a tesla would accept. a filter with a 2500khz cutoff would have to be in front of the device so high frequencies wouldn't overload the tesla. just an idea
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