SSTC Pro's and Con's of half wave versus full wave rectified.
Dr. Dark Current
Registered Member #152
Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 03:36PM
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Even if you just switched from full wave filtered supply to a half wave supply and kept everything else the same, the input power would went down around 4 times, but the sparks would be at least the same or even (in my opinion) a bit longer.
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Registered Member #1875
Joined: Sun Dec 21 2008, 06:36PM
Posts: 635
Oh, I didn't read carefully. I understand now. I would argue that the coil could be kept identical if you raised the supply voltage rather than lower the primary impedance to satisfy that equal power at half-wave rectified requirement. Though, coilers aren't known to leave too much headroom for that, so I guess I should suggest lowering the supply voltage for the cw case.
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