Choosing secondary for TC
Registered Member #162
Joined: Mon Feb 13 2006, 10:25AM
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 3140
Quarter-wavelength resonant frequency is related to the length of wire and the speed of electricity along the wire. When formed into a coil the geometry/inter-turn coupling makes the wavelength seem shorter/frequency higher.
The resonant frequency of the coil is related to it's self-inductance and capacitance. With a topload the capacitance increases so the resonant frequency decreases.
When you have a tuned primary (Lpri, Cpri) coupled to a tuned secondary (Lsec, Csec) two resonant 'peaks' in the frequency response appear, the frequency difference between the two being determined by Pri:Sec coupling.
N.Tesla was convinced that constructing a TC so that the L//C resonant frequency is the same as the quarter-wavelength resonant frequency gives best performance, but he was aiming for maximum resonant voltage with NO breakout/sparks/arcs.
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