My Tesla Coil isn't working...Solved
Registered Member #4229
Joined: Sat Nov 26 2011, 03:19AM
Location: Somewhere in the State of Michigan
Posts: 20
That makes alot of sense. Another question. Is there any specific rule as to the voltage of the MMC based on the output of the transformer? I've heard anywhere to the exact output voltage of the transformer to twice the output of your transformer. What do you guys recommend?
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Herr Zapp
Registered Member #480
Joined: Thu Jul 06 2006, 07:08PM
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Cw -
Well, as I suspected you don't have a NST, you have a solid state gaseous tube power supply that's not suitable for powering a conventional AC Tesla coil. Get a conventional iron-core neon sign TRANSFORMER of the highest voltage you can find. 9 and 12 kV, 30ma transformers are readily available at low cost on eBay.
For guidelines in determining the required voltage rating of your MMC, see:
Use the "static gap LTR" column.
Herr Zapp
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