Secondary Coil Terminations
Registered Member #162
Joined: Mon Feb 13 2006, 10:25AM
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Terry, In your magnetic field/energy analysis, I see no magnetic field component due to the secondary which I imagine will be significant/extensive due to; - the physical size of the secondary - the resonant current
e.g. B= (Uo x N x I) / (L x2) at the end of the solenoid (from memory)
The relative phases of primary and secondary current will vary during ringup causing primary and secondary fields to add in-phase for periods of time, so for worst-case just add the two fields arithmetically.
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Terry Fritz
Registered Member #393
Joined: Tue Apr 18 2006, 12:30AM
Posts: 297
I did the same thing for a cone primary here:
But in these plots, the secondary is only air and just outlined for reference. I had only been using the program for ten minutes and I did not (and still don't) have any idea what I am doing
But here I did model in the windings as copper with zero current. When the primary is at maximum current the secondary is at zero current. This is what I got:
I don't see a way to set up a current gradient along the coil.
The program also does electrostatic fields too. It is not too hard to run just a bit awkward. Sort of cool and is free )
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