GDT testing on table with IGBT at 225 Khz, please check
serge petiot
Registered Member #4054
Joined: Sun Aug 14 2011, 01:39PM
Location: The boonies, France
Posts: 26
Hey Axelro, I forgot to mention the this waveform was acquired with 2 IGBTs connected in halfbridge config. Also, the tore I'm using is pretty big so I'm not too worried about it saturating when all 4 secondaries are used.... By the way, this core comes from an high-end battery charger my company makes... We have a skip full of bad boards and each board has 2 such tores with some thick copper windings on it. It's a simple matter of removing the copper windings, and make a GDT with some CAT5 cable. They were originaly used as chokes I think. If someone is interested, I can send you as many as you like free as long as it's for personal use. I'll remove some tores from the boards and stick it in the post. If you live far away, I'll just ask you to pay for shipping thru paypal or something. This is my small contribution to the group....
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