DRSSTC Flip Flop Question
Registered Member #2292
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serge petiot wrote ...
Eric, let's agree to disagree, we use uCs in all our power electronics applications here at MDP Electronics. You just have to know what your doing regarding EMC and routing of the boards. The pins on uC default to inputs on powerup, so you have to make sure to use external pullups for the desired state before you configure your outputs. Also, internal F is 40 Mhz, so that's 10 MIPS for the PIC (1 instruction takes 4 clk cycles) which is confortable for a 200Khz coil. To be honnest, we could not do without them anymore. uC will give you a flexibility as far as switching your bridge that you won't get from hardwired circuit. As I said my board has both option, and I'll learn usind Steve's circuit for starters. It's about time DRSSTCs move into the 21rst century.
I'm not saying it can't be done, what I am saying is that it's not the most optimal solution.
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