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4hv.org :: Forums :: High Voltage
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CW multiplier current limiting?

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Newton Brawn
Tue Mar 29 2011, 02:08PM
Newton Brawn Registered Member #3343 Joined: Thu Oct 21 2010, 04:06PM
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Hi Daniel !

Is it possible to attache a complete schematic to better understand the situation ?


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Tue Mar 29 2011, 03:33PM
Dr. ISOTOP Registered Member #2919 Joined: Fri Jun 11 2010, 06:30PM
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A 25 stage CW will have tremendous Vdrop under load.
Vdrop=1e-3/(1e4*1e-9) *2/3*25^3.
This has order of magnitude 100*25^3=1562500=approx 1e6 volts.
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Daniel Uhrenholt
Wed Mar 30 2011, 01:52PM
Daniel Uhrenholt Registered Member #125 Joined: Fri Feb 10 2006, 01:52PM
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This is a full wave multiplier, and with the stages I'm running the V drop should be around 50kV.

The caps has arrived today, and I'm on my way to the postoffice right now to pick them up:-)

This project have to wait a bit, as my former girlfriend is moving out of the apartment. So I have enough to do the next month or so... But that's okay, as I don't have to feel guilty of being a geek all the time:-)

I will start a project thread when I start the build.

Cheers, Daniel

Cheers, Daniel
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Wed Mar 30 2011, 02:09PM
Dr. ISOTOP Registered Member #2919 Joined: Fri Jun 11 2010, 06:30PM
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What are your stages? Full wave doesn't change the vdrop much.
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Daniel Uhrenholt
Wed Mar 30 2011, 02:33PM
Daniel Uhrenholt Registered Member #125 Joined: Fri Feb 10 2006, 01:52PM
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Read it, and do a calculation on the calculator on the site. I will make 15 stages with 20kV input at 20khz and 1mA load. I have chosen a full wave because of the low ripple factor, and low drop under load.

I have a sphere for a big VDG that I purchased 1 month ago, it's one half of an 24*6" toroid with a half sphere on top, giving me a lot of capacity and voltage standoff. But I chosed to try out a multiplier instead, as I know that I can make the mechanical parts for a VDG with a belt width of 10", mechanical stuff is absolutely no problem for me!
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Wed Mar 30 2011, 05:32PM
Dr. ISOTOP Registered Member #2919 Joined: Fri Jun 11 2010, 06:30PM
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OK, so you're not doing 25 stages; that makes sense.
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Ash Small
Wed Mar 30 2011, 05:56PM
Ash Small Registered Member #3414 Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 05:05PM
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Daniel Uhrenholt wrote ...

Hi All,

I'm collecting parts for an 600kV CW multiplier at the moment..

What are you planning to use it for? What insulators will you be using?

This is in the right ballpark for proton-boron 11 fusion (optimum 630kV) if you have a vacuum system and some 'suitable' HV feedthroughs
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Daniel Uhrenholt
Wed Mar 30 2011, 07:20PM
Daniel Uhrenholt Registered Member #125 Joined: Fri Feb 10 2006, 01:52PM
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I build things for fun:-)

Really, I don't have a clue... That is the same thing about tesla coils, I build them for fun and to learn.

Ive always been impressed about high voltage DC, and I did build a really nasty VDG some time back. As I mentioned before I did have a plan about building a big VDG with a charging current of 320uA, but why not try to make something even more crazy?

I use a lot of time and money on my hobby, so why not push things a little further than every one else... smile

Cheers, Daniel
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Ash Small
Wed Mar 30 2011, 08:49PM
Ash Small Registered Member #3414 Joined: Sun Nov 14 2010, 05:05PM
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Daniel Uhrenholt wrote ...

I build things for fun:-)

Really, I don't have a clue... That is the same thing about tesla coils, I build them for fun and to learn.

Ive always been impressed about high voltage DC, and I did build a really nasty VDG some time back. As I mentioned before I did have a plan about building a big VDG with a charging current of 320uA, but why not try to make something even more crazy?

I use a lot of time and money on my hobby, so why not push things a little further than every one else... smile

Cheers, Daniel

Those 'nice people' over at fusor.net (Richard Hull, Carl Willis, Chris Bradley, etc.) swear blind that it's not possible for an amateur to build a 600+kV power supply. If you can do it, as I said before, you could be the first amateur to achieve aneutronic fusion (fusion without neutrons). I know someone who can get Boron 11, all you'd need apart from that would be some hydrogen, a means of ionising it (see my magnetron thread in 'electromagnetic radiation', or my earlier thread (I'll provide a link later)) and a vacuum system.
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Steve Conner
Wed Mar 30 2011, 09:03PM
Steve Conner Registered Member #30 Joined: Fri Feb 03 2006, 10:52AM
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My biggest Tesla coil had an estimated output of about 600kV peak amplitude. How much harder can it be to make a DC version? :^)

Somehow I think building a 600kV DC supply would be far and away the easiest part of a DIY aneutronic fusion reactor. (I'd start by stealing a length of 400kV gas insulated substation Link2 to use as the chamber, hopefully the national grid would not miss it too much)
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