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What are the most interesting vacuum tubes in your collection?

Move Thread LAN_403
Sat Sept 24 2011, 03:15AM
radiotech Registered Member #2463 Joined: Wed Nov 11 2009, 03:49AM
Posts: 1546
Water cooled magnetron type VX 1.061 Waveguide and water inlet outlet shown too.

061 Mag

wVElink=https://4hv.org/e107_files/public/ 1316833528_2463_FT109016_2011-09-24_18-46- 45.729.jpg][/link]

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Dr. Dark Current
Tue Sept 27 2011, 10:40AM
Dr. Dark Current Registered Member #152 Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 03:36PM
Location: Czech Rep.
Posts: 3384
Note: the small tube in all pictures is for size comparison.

GU-81M: Transmitting pentode, Pa 450W, Po 700W, cooling: natural convection, direct heating.
1317119059 152 FT109016 P395

SRS 457: Transmitting tetrode, Pa 500W, Po 1.75kW, cooling: low velocity air flow, direct heating.
1317119158 152 FT109016 P394

RD300S: Triode, industrial application. Pa 300W, cooling: low velocity air flow, direct heating.
1317119340 152 FT109016 P388

Q-1P/41: Transmitting tetrode, Pa 1kW, Po 1.6kW, cooling: forced air, indirect heating.
1317119421 152 FT109016 P398

GMI-32b: Pulse tetrode, Pa 2kW, Vap 40kV, Iap 100A, cooling: forced air, indirect heating. With cooling "chimney".
1317119510 152 FT109016 P396

GU-39b: Transmitting tetrode, Pa 8kW, Po 13kW, cooling: forced air, direct heating.
1317119587 152 FT109016 P393

GU-32: Double tetrode, transmission and oscillation.
1317119718 152 FT109016 P392

DQ2: Mercury vapor rectifier.
1317119779 152 FT109016 P389

D2E: Deuterium spectral lamp.
1317119824 152 FT109016 P400

Zirconium hollow cathode lamp.
1317119879 152 FT109016 P390

Photomultiplier tube.
1317119949 152 FT109016 P391

4687: Voltage regulator.
1317120008 152 FT109016 P399
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Wed Sept 28 2011, 05:17AM
Conundrum Registered Member #96 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
Location: CI, Earth
Posts: 4061
I have some of those "top hat" microwave tubes thanks to Proud Mary smile

Also will post pics of my Russian VFDs and Gen 0 night vision tube and that flat CRT.

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Wed Sept 28 2011, 12:38PM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 700
Dr. Kilovolt wrote ...

Note: the small tube in all pictures is for size comparison.
Nice tubes amazed
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Proud Mary
Thu Sept 29 2011, 06:55PM
Proud Mary Registered Member #543 Joined: Tue Feb 20 2007, 04:26PM
Location: UK
Posts: 4992
FX297 hydrogen thyratron
Triggered diode type

1317321870 543 FT0 H2thyratron Upload Choice 1

Va max = 25kV PIV
Ia pk = 500A
Ia av = 1.25A
Vtrig = 300 - 1000V
Rise time max = 2500A/μs
Vf = 6.3V
If = 21A
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Fri Oct 07 2011, 03:22AM
IamSmooth Registered Member #190 Joined: Fri Feb 17 2006, 12:00AM
Posts: 1567
Here is a power triode tube tester I built for the 211 845
I came up with the design for testing current conduction and transconductance during a swim.

tube tester
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Fri Oct 07 2011, 01:44PM
vasil Registered Member #229 Joined: Tue Feb 21 2006, 07:33PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 506
That GU-39b tube looks very appealing to me....Worthing.
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Thu Oct 13 2011, 09:37AM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 700
TGI2 400/16 (ТГИ2-400/16) and TGI1 130/10 (ТГИ1-130/10) , two hydrogen thyratrons:

1318498618 1938 FT109016 Dsc 0164

Some details on the first one here: Link2
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Sun Nov 27 2011, 03:45PM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 700
Russian sensitive gamma Geiger Muller tube, the SBM-19:
Datasheet/Details here: Link2

Russian MCT-17, Geiger Muller tube with an extra thin mica window, for Beta radiation detection:
Datasheet: Link2

German VA-Z320, another Mica window Geiger Muller of superior quality, for Beta radiation:
Details: Link2
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Wed Dec 21 2011, 10:33PM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 700
MR-04, ionization tube,

Link2 (german)
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