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What are the most interesting vacuum tubes in your collection?

Move Thread LAN_403
Mon Aug 08 2011, 03:44PM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 700
And here are some UHF relatives:
207qp92 Th
From the left to the right:

6264A : datasheet: Link2
2B22 : working as a detector up to 1,5GHz! Details here: Link2
446A: more details here: Link2
710A: details: Link2

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Thu Aug 11 2011, 02:35PM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 700
G21H, a halogen quenched Geiger Muller tube for Gamma radiation, Made in Romania, at the Institute of Atomic Physics .
More details in the tube's passport, pictured below:
23 53 52
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Thu Aug 11 2011, 02:43PM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
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A fine photomultiplier tube, M12FS60, with a 5cm diameter window.
22 04
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Thu Aug 11 2011, 03:00PM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 700
ok, don't hate me for having this tube :)

It's a monster photomultiplier tube, with an excellent sensitivity, making it the best candidate for a highly sensitive scintillator.

M12FS100, here are some pics, and a comparison to the russian Gu81m . Window diameter 10cm!

20 23 55

M12FS100 and Gu81m:

Here are the tube's parameters (in German)
1313074565 1938 FT109016 Image0017 1313074565 1938 FT109016 Image0018

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Proud Mary
Fri Aug 12 2011, 02:48PM
Proud Mary Registered Member #543 Joined: Tue Feb 20 2007, 04:26PM
Location: UK
Posts: 4992
Svetlana 0.0045BSM-1-Ni

1 Diagonal 2

Svetlana type designation system: (Power in kW - 0.0045)(Svetlana class - BSM-1)(Anode composition - Ni)

Directly-heated electron-impact diode, without focusing cup or grid. There are two Be windows at 180° on either side of the tube body for multi-task bench use.

Va = 10 - 30 kV.
Vf = 0.75 - 2V
If = 1 - 3A
Ia must be adjusted by altering If so that Pin does not exceed 4.5W at the chosen anode voltage.

1313159049 543 FT0 Nickel Spectrum

K𝛼 for nickel is 7.47 keV.
Anode over-voltage of 15 - 22keV (i.e. two to three times K𝛼) is required for full K𝛼 excitation.

Efficiency: Using Sprawls' efficiency approximation ( kV*Z*10E-06 ) nickel-anode photon production efficiency is 2.8*10E-03 at 10kV, rising to 8.4*10E-03 at the tube's 30kV maximum.
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Fri Aug 12 2011, 09:45PM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 700
Proud Mary wrote ...
Svetlana 0.0045BSM-1-Ni
Looks like you brought in some heavy artillery. Sweet
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Proud Mary
Sat Aug 13 2011, 12:23AM
Proud Mary Registered Member #543 Joined: Tue Feb 20 2007, 04:26PM
Location: UK
Posts: 4992
Svetlana 0.025BSV-7-Fe

Fe Upload

Liquid-cooled 25W grid-controlled electron-impact micro-focus triode photon source with Fe anode and two opposing Be windows.

Va = 45 kV max
Ia = 550 μA max
Vf = 4 V max
If = 2.5 ±0.1 A max
Pin = 25W max

This triode device is designed to operate in constant voltage anode mode, with the anode current determined by the level of grid bias. Pulse modulation of the grid will produce corresponding pulses in photon output.

1313192008 543 FT0 Iron Spectrum

Characteristic energy spectrum of Fe anode.
Fe Kα is at 6.4 keV
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Sat Aug 13 2011, 07:04AM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 700
UV3 (Russian ув-3), a Traveling wave tube:

33 18 37

Some details on the functionality here: Link2
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Proud Mary
Sat Aug 13 2011, 10:17AM
Proud Mary Registered Member #543 Joined: Tue Feb 20 2007, 04:26PM
Location: UK
Posts: 4992
Svetlana 0.3BSV-25-Ag

Ag Upload

0.3BSV-25-Ag is a 300W silver anode electron-impact photon source of 'massive anode' design, which must be bolted to a water-cooled copper block.
Four Be windows in two opposing pairs offer both a 0.07*2.0mm line (at 90° to the horizontal axis of the filament) and a spot parallel to the filament's axis.

Electrical connection to the filament is made by a high-temperature ceramic plug which mates with the socket at the bottom of the glass barrel.

Va - 60kV max
Vf - 3V
If - 3A
Pin - 300W max

1313228578 543 FT0 Silver Characteristic Rays

Kα for Ag is 22.15 keV corresponding to a wavelength of 5.59E-9 cm, where:

E = energy in ergs (1eV = 1.6 x 10E-12erg)
h = Planck's Constant = 6.614 x 10E-27erg-sec
c = velocity of light = 3 x 10E10cm/sec
w = wavelength in cm (1Ã… = 1 x 10-8cm)


E =hc/w
22.15 E3*1.6 E-12 = (6.614E-27*3E10)/w
W = 5.59E-9 cm or 0.559 Ã…

According to Svetlana, 4 keV is the lowest photon energy which can be transmitted through the Be windows in this design.
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Daniel Kramnik
Sun Sept 04 2011, 03:08AM
Daniel Kramnik Registered Member #3885 Joined: Sun May 15 2011, 12:47AM
Location: Newton, Massachusetts, United States
Posts: 94
My homebuilt cathode ray tubes!

1315105685 3885 FT109016 Electron Gun

1315105685 3885 FT109016 Wine Bottle Crt
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