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Registered Member #480
Joined: Thu Jul 06 2006, 07:08PM
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Bear in mind that Parawire sells a lot of magnet wire on eBay that they identify as "hobby wire" for use in non-electrical applications (floral arrangements, etc.).
Before ordering, I'd get something in writing from them that clearly states that what you are buying is first quality magnet wire, and not "hobby wire".
Also, the "Magnets4less" site seems to list both virgin Essex magnet wire (Essex being a well-known US producer of high-quality wire), and "no-name" magnet wire.
Registered Member #338
Joined: Thu Mar 23 2006, 12:28PM
Posts: 41
Hey! I found some magnet wire at a local industrial motor place.And they were cheap.You should be able to find a place like that where you are located at.As for caps,I do believe that Eastern volt has the best prices,at least that's what I have seen.
Registered Member #1875
Joined: Sun Dec 21 2008, 06:36PM
Posts: 635
Herr Zapp wrote ...
Bear in mind that Parawire sells a lot of magnet wire on eBay that they identify as "hobby wire" for use in non-electrical applications (floral arrangements, etc.).
Before ordering, I'd get something in writing from them that clearly states that what you are buying is first quality magnet wire, and not "hobby wire".
Also, the "Magnets4less" site seems to list both virgin Essex magnet wire (Essex being a well-known US producer of high-quality wire), and "no-name" magnet wire.
Let the buyer beware .....
Herr Zapp
The wire I received from Magnet4less was advertised as Essex magnet wire... but I'm thinking that was BS.
Parawire offers double and heavy build, not sure why non-electrical applications would need extra insulation. It's possible they just put the rejected stuff they can't sell on their site on ebay, as they do not label the stuff on their site as "hobby wire."
Registered Member #30
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Herr Zapp wrote ...
That's a beautifully constructed MMC, Herr Zapp! Is it one of your own? I think those yellow RS brand caps are made in England, it's unusual to see them in an American build.
In my experience, a Tesla coil is quite forgiving of dodgy insulation on magnet wire. I've got a couple of coils with overlapping turns, even sections burnt out by flashovers and repaired crudely (one even with PVC insulated hookup wire instead of magnet wire) and they're still sparking. But I guess it's still a good idea to get good quality wire in the first place. I got my last big spool from a wire merchant who resold to motor rewinding shops.
I think Steve Ward made some coils with the green magnet wire from Parawire. They have two separate online stores for "craft wire" and "magnet wire", so I guess they are aware of the difference.
Registered Member #480
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Steve -
Ja, es ist mein!
Actually, this MMC consists of 4 strings of caps, two on each side of the board. The "turret standoffs" on opposite sides of the board are connected by short pieces of threaded nylon rod, so both standoffs use a common mounting hole. These are .047uF Arcotronics caps from the UK; capacitance of the array is .014uF, "DC" voltage rating is 21KV.
Below that is a much older MMC I assembled in the same way, but using GE 42L series caps (.1uF @ 3KV). Capacitance is .033uF, "DC" voltage rating is 36KV. Although this MMC has never experienced insulation breakdown operating from a 15KV, 120ma NST bank, I now think the caps and resistors are far too close together. One of these days I'll rebuild this MMC on a larger baseboard.
Both these MMCs were built using standard .5W carbon-composition resistors, before I discovered the Phillips/Vishay/BC Components VR-37 series with their 3.5KV rating.
Registered Member #3515
Joined: Wed Dec 15 2010, 03:05AM
Posts: 11
Agreed Mr. Zapp, beautiful work - Also thanks for comments on wire. Zeroing in on what I need to have a good first coil and have it be a fun experience - and not destroy some fairly pricey stuff. Please keep commenting....
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