
Simon, Wed May 10 2006, 05:08AM

Post your strange/interesting dreams here.

I can't think of much for myself right now, but the other night I dreamt my workshop was demolished and turned into a vegetable patch in my absence. I had to go through salvaging the odd diode from the dirt. I'm not sure how this worked since my workshop is in the basement of my house.

I once read of someone who dreamt he was arguing with his friend - in assembler. neutral I can't find the reference.
Re: Dreams
..., Wed May 10 2006, 05:22AM

I sorta had a daydream while on a hike about an hour ago... I deamed that I had developed a room temp supercundutor I sold to the government for like a billion dollers. Then I came up with a way to make it into a semiconductor that was good into like the 10^20hz confused

I think it was induced with the sense of sheer pride/joy of getting one of the 3 A's on the AP chem final, and the slight nervousness but mostly confidence of the AP test tomorow (which if I get >60% on will raise me from getting b's both semesters to a's both semesters...)
Re: Dreams
Hazmatt_(The Underdog), Wed May 10 2006, 08:42AM

I don't know exactly if I were stressed out or what, but it was really strange for me and stressful!

Background: I was still in Highschool when it happened. The day before (or whatever) I had watched EEK The Cat because I loved that show. Half of the show was broken to 2 parts, EEK the cat, and 3 miscreant dinosaurs in a civilizied world much like our own, who were the worst criminals the 'dino world' had to offer. They were pulled out of their prison term to hunt down 2 humans with the latest 'Bee' technology at their disposal. It was a silly show, but I liked the goofiness.

There were 3 dinos. An anthropomorphic: tricerotops, raptor-like dino, and a clutzy nutty bronto. Yea, you should be able to see what I dreamed I was by the looks of things.

What happened: Somehow I found myself as the nutty bronto sitting in the back of a bus going down some stretch of road, totally stressed out. I think you know the look in the eyes when someone is really stressed out with lots of heavy lines. You see that a lot in cartoons when someone is totally devastated. So anyways, we're riding in the back of the bus, somehow (I don't remember the detail) the asteroid is announced that its coming to the planet and one of the guys is saying the scientists will find a way to 'deal with it'. I start freaking out! I grab my tail like a blanked and start screaming "We're all GONNA DIE!"

It was such a shocker that I woke up immediately trying to get my breath. I really hope I don't have another dream like that because I was shaking.
Re: Dreams
Jim, Wed May 10 2006, 11:01AM

How the hell does your grade on the AP test affect your grade in the class?!

You do know the scores for the AP test don't come out until July...

Oh well! I'm off to take it too
Re: Dreams
Dr. Dark Current, Wed May 10 2006, 01:13PM

As a child I remember having a dream where I fell to a hole that appeared on the floor. Now I was in a big white empty room, there was just a white table with a battery holder on it with NiCd batteries in it tongue Then I came and shorted it cheesey :P and the walls started to darken and carbonize, then I awakened.

Re: Dreams
Jim, Wed May 10 2006, 05:18PM

You sir, have been sniffing too many colitas.
Re: Dreams
the_anomaly, Wed May 10 2006, 07:14PM

I remember having some dreams of winning the lotto and then waking up and wondering where my moneys gone cry
Re: Dreams
Alex, Wed May 10 2006, 08:05PM

Nick wrote ...

I remember having some dreams of winning the lotto and then waking up and wondering where my moneys gone cry
I've had similar dreams. Waking up and slowly coming to realize that none of it was true, and wanting to go back to sleep to keep dreaming..

I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do, they're either incredibly distinct or equally abstract. I can remember an example of each...

A couple months ago, I had a strange dream where I was trying to paraglide off of a tall pole inside a massive hangar. I had to go out under the door though, which was almost completely closed. This proved impossible, and I smashed into the snow at a high rate of speed, then I walked off and drove around a city, viewing everything from a birdseye perspective. Cars were blobs, and streets were just darkened strips around lighter blotches of building. People kept crashing into each other, making it hard for me to go wherever I wanted to go, which pissed me off greatly.

My other example is from a dream later on that month. I woke up (in my dream) and looked around to see a very brightly lit room. There was nothing immediately apparent in the room. It was empty, with a hardwood floor, and light streaming in from an unseen window. For some reason I knew the room was mine, though it most certainly was not. Upon getting out of my bed (very light white sheets and blanket), I noticed a young girl huddled on the floor with her back to the wall. She seemed to be naked, or rather, that's what my dream would lead me to believe. I talked to her, although I don't remember any words exchanged. For some reason I had some intense feeling(s) for her, though the reasons for this don't seem apparent now. Dammit, that was not clear at all.

Fscking dreams, no wonder I don't remember them.
Re: Dreams
Avalanche, Wed May 10 2006, 09:03PM

I have a few weird dreams. I had one once where I was trying to put together packets of data in my dream, but I think dreams like that are caused by overwork / working late at night, so you don't fully stop thinking - and it turns into a dream.

Another weird kind of dream I get is where I find myself in some unknown place, like a forest, but after a brief walk around I find some of my posessions scattered around - important things, like my laptop or digital camera. So I think ****! I'll have to find a way of getting all this lot back home!

A very common dream I get is that I can float, as in anti-gravity - all I have to do is concentrate, lean back and I can just float wherever I like - but if I lose concentration, the anti-gravity effect disappears. Those dreams are great because it's almost real, in places I know like my village, and I get them quite often!

Re: Dreams
EEYORE, Wed May 10 2006, 09:46PM

How about them losing your teeth dreams!

I have so many weird dreams...So vivid...I will have to remember some.
Re: Dreams
Part Scavenger, Wed May 10 2006, 11:09PM

I have three dreams that I distinctly remember:

I have an alarm clock whose "horn" function is impossible to discriminate from the tornado alarm down the street. Often I would wake up because I was running from a tornado, or taking pictures of it, whatever, as a result I had alot of tornado dreams.

I had a dream the other day where I was a work, I knew were everything was, how to do every thing, just like a normal day. Except one problem... I didn't recognize anyone! I was nice and introduced myself, and never wondered why I didn't know anyone. confused Furthermore, after awaking and recalling the dream, I realized everyone I talked to was someone I knew in real life. Weird.

I've also had a dream like everyone does at one point in which I was falling. However, I hit once. I was about 12, and it scared the CRAP out of me. I've never been so scared in my life! I woke up shaking, and feeling my self to make sure I was still there. I was. wink

Interesting stuff...
_Part Scavenger
Re: Dreams
GimpyJoe, Wed May 10 2006, 11:22PM

I had a dream over winter break that I showed up at my school (a private school with uniforms) in a T-shirt and jeans and got kicked out of class, but they wouldn't let me on the bus and my parents couldn't pick me up, so I ended up living in a shed. Odd...
Re: Dreams
Alex, Wed May 10 2006, 11:51PM

Part Scavenger wrote ...
I was nice and introduced myself, and never wondered why I didn't know anyone.
I think that it's interesting that in our dreams such strange things happen, and we don't question them. You wake up wondering why the hell you didn't notice anything was off, but in the context of the dream, you knew it was true. This often happens with people in my dreams. I know who they are in my dream, but when I reflect back on it after waking up, I realize they were nothing like (physically or mentally) the person they were supposed to be.
Re: Dreams
Steve Conner, Thu May 11 2006, 12:02AM

I've been ill with the "Man flu" and had a lot of bizarre dreams that I put down to running a high temperature. Last night, I dreamt that I got sucked into the new computer I just finished building, and the Linux penguin was chasing me around a giant desktop covered in windows full of *nix gibberish, and trying to kill me. It was a pretty big penguin too. suprised
Re: Dreams
Simon, Thu May 11 2006, 12:25AM

LOL Steve!!!
wrote ...

I think that it's interesting that in our dreams such strange things happen, and we don't question them.
I agree. Sometimes I wake up and think, wtf? rolleyes

I can remember another dream. I got invited by some D&D friends to join their game. Things were going fine and then the DM tells me, "Half a dozen rats have jumped out and surrounded you!"

"Okay, I'll attack the nearest one with my rapier."

"Nothing happens."

"What?!" I demand. "I haven't even rolled any dice yet!"

The DM shrugs his shoulders. "The rapier doesn't do anything; rats are ethereal." Leaving me completely confused, he goes into a detailed explanation of why your typical rat is actually an ethereal being. Another friend interrupts and points out the subtle flaw in his argument and then another joins the debate and pretty soon it's way over my head, and very heated.

I just sit back and think, "Surely if I skewer the rat it would do something..." Then I woke up.
Re: Dreams
Part Scavenger, Thu May 11 2006, 01:28AM

Anybody ever have dreams after doing something all day? For example, about a month ago I dug holes all day, and got absolutely no rest that night because I was digging in my dreams. I woke up all tired. frown
Re: Dreams
..., Thu May 11 2006, 03:38AM

That happens to me way to often. Usually I will be working on some computer/hobby/whatever and then just not be able to stop thinking about it. Sometimes during the summer I just get so fed up with it and end up going back to work on it, but then it screws up my sleep cycle and things just get horrible until I force myself to get my ass out of bed at like 6am so I can fall asleep at a decent hour angry
Re: Dreams
ragnar, Thu May 11 2006, 06:37AM

My dreams tend to be very rare (or I fail to remember most of them)...

Memorable events:
- dreamed that I was walking backwards involuntarily... then I was inexorably drawn to walk backwards onto a quiet road, at which point I got hit by a car.

Following a night where I scored a MAX038 in a game of poker,
- I had a dream where I was playing poker in a casino, and won an AUD$20.00 chip; I looked up the price of the discontinued MAX038 chip on Digikey to find it was USD$23.70 :P way off, hehe

After a random day where I was around some pretty gurls who didn't want to talk to me,
- I dreamed of some pretty gurls who absolutely loved talking to me, gave me email addresses and phone numbers, but disappeared when I offered them a goodbye hug... ^^ AND i couldn't remember the numbers/emails...

After another random day when I got my third 240V belting across the chest (and hopefully my last),
- I had a strange dream where a giant fat noisy arc somehow started between the back of my hand and.. something else... started engulfing my fingers, I ran away from whatever it was, but the arc wouldn't extinguish, I felt totally helpless and pathetic, and awoke quite scared..

That's probably ~20% of what I can remember... the rest is very much waaay too weird to even bother posting... can't even squeeze any psychoanalytical interpretations from them :P
Re: Dreams
Part Scavenger, Thu May 11 2006, 02:47PM

- I dreamed of some pretty gurls who absolutely loved talking to me, gave me email addresses and phone numbers, but disappeared when I offered them a goodbye hug... ^^ AND i couldn't remember the numbers/emails...

That's gotta stink, you should write things down! tongue
Re: Dreams
Coyote Wilde, Thu May 11 2006, 06:40PM

wrote ...
- I dreamed of some pretty gurls who absolutely loved talking to me, gave me email addresses and phone numbers, but disappeared when I offered them a goodbye hug... ^^ AND i couldn't remember the numbers/emails...

... you can't get any psycoanalysis from that? tongue
On an almost related note, have you met the TC loving punk-rock girl? Link2

... I drempt about damn small linux the other night. For some reason all my computers were totally fried except for a pentium laptop I picked up a year ago sans HDD. And naturally, I was in dire, world-saving need of a terminal. DSL to the rescue!
... except I am a total linux noob, can barely work my way around a terminal, and am pretty sure the BIOS wouldn't have let things boot without an HDD, whether it was strictly needed by the pen-drive OS or not.
Still, beats the feaver dream I had where I was an international border made of liquid gallium, and couldn't move without setting off a war between the US and UK. That would have to be the weirdest dream I've ever had-- hurray for temperature-induced delerium!
Re: Dreams
Avalanche, Thu May 11 2006, 07:30PM

Back in the days when I used to play Quake a lot, I had a dream one night that I was actually inside a game of Quake. It was scary as hell, and turned into a nightmare. Eventually I woke up...

Re: Dreams
Heiders, Fri May 12 2006, 02:35AM

If ever I am running in my dreams, I am always on all fours, galloping away and leaping onto houses and stuff.

It's never difficult to run on all fours, it just seems natural and easy and really fast. Anyone else run on their hands and feet?
Re: Dreams
Alex, Fri May 12 2006, 02:53AM

Now that I think of it, I don't seem to recall much of anything concerning my phsyical self in my dreams. I don't think I've ever run around on all fours like that...

Usually when I am aware of myself it's because I have something frustratingly debilitating, such as lack of the ability to focus or move my head. I've had dreams where I would squint and squint, but couldn't make out anything... Kind of like when you just get up from sleeping and everything is bright and you can't see. I also recall one dream where I was riding in the car, staring at the gravel on the side of the road go by. I couldn't move my head or anything, it seemed to go on forever.
Re: Dreams
aahz, Fri May 12 2006, 03:53PM

A few: Both of these were recurring.

I wake up and hear a loud roar outside my house. As I sprint through the hallway to go outside to look, I notice a bright orange/yellow light bleeding in through the windows. The whole house is shaking. I throw open the door to see what appears to be a saturn-esque planet filling a third of the sky, the rest of the sky is filled with a bright yellow nebula eminating from the planet. All around the house, huge, dead, leaf-less trees float in the air, slowly encircling the house... about 100 yards away on all sides. The landscape is dead, but not barren. Dead grass, trees, everything dead... all the while nothing is heard but a deep, deafening roar.

A variation of that dream involves tornadoes instead of dead trees hovering... had this dream probably four times, randomly.

Another I had a few times during high-school.
I wake up and get out of bed as usual, but notice it is still pitch black outside. I go into the kitchen and see all the stove burners are lit, the controls smashed out. Immediately I seem to wake up again (still dreaming). Everything seems normal this time. Morning light is creeping in through the windows. I get up and notice my aunt has arrived. I tell her about this wierd dream I just had.... immediately I seem to wake up ... again (still dreaming). Things are exactly the same as the first part of this dream: burners on, dark outside. When I make the connection between this and my first dream, the room is filled with an almost blindingly dull-green light, and again I hear a loud roar of noise. The room starts spinning... I fall down.

Anyway, I have a few more that I've written down... most of the ones I remember are nightmares like the last two. They don't really sound all that scary, but when I have them there is this extremely strong feeling of fear, or loneliness.
Re: Dreams
Simon, Sat May 13 2006, 12:32AM

Last night I had a dream I was in some uni class. The tutor was showing us a movie and asking us to analyse a specific scene using calculus.

The movie was about some big, sprawling building that had been mostly submerged and was full of sharks. The special scene was where someone (of course) cut his foot and all the sharks were swimming their way though the corridors to converge on this victim through the scent of blood.

Despite the fact the movie was totally B-grade, both in plot and effects (sometimes the sharks looked exactly like actors in suits), we were all completely enthralled at the rising tension. It was getting more and more exciting, except at the same time we kept getting reminded to calculate the exact location of the angle in the wall.

Just as it was getting really tense I got the worst distraction: I woke up. I never got to the bit where the hapless swimmer gets surrounded by hungry sharks. rolleyes
Re: Dreams
HV Enthusiast, Sat May 13 2006, 12:42AM

You haven't experienced a dream until you experienced a lucid dream. I spent several semesters in college working on this skill and was finally able to obtain full lucidity in dreams 2-3 times per week and when they did occur it was the most fantastic experience i have ever had.

For most though, it takes an enormous amount of work and practice to achieve even a single lucid dream, but its definitely worth it if you have the time to invest. Learning dream recall and practicing constant daytime "state" checking is the best way to achieve lucidity in a dream. But it does take lots of work. Probably a few months before i had my first lucid dream.
Re: Dreams
ragnar, Sat May 13 2006, 01:26AM

Steve Pavlina has written a lot about lucid dreaming and his (mostly successful) attempts.

Try stevepavlina.com
Re: Dreams
aahz, Sat May 13 2006, 04:59AM

I've had a handful of lucid dreams. Mostly uneventful... usually I'm still bound by some wierd set of rules... as in I can't just make naked chicks appear and the like... or sometimes I even 'forget' that I'm dreaming a few moments later, and it continues as a regular dream.

On that second dream I mentioned above, the third or fourth time I had it, I realized it was recurring, and realized I was dreaming in the first part. So, I decided to play around and kick down my front door with my newfound dream powers... However in the midst of the flying-kick, I stopped in midair, completely paralyzed, before falling to the ground. Then some asian guy broke through the door and he proceeded to kick my ass.... I remember a lot of vivid pain. At one point he broke my back.... pretty damn intense pain. Of course that's when I woke up.
Re: Dreams
Self Defenestrate, Sat May 13 2006, 06:08AM

I've trained myself to wake up once I start to dream and start a tape recorder, because I'm a notoriuous sleep talker. Usually, I'll fall back asleep and record incoherent babbling and/or snoring, but every now and again, I'll say something thats understandable. Some favorite self quotes have been "lemon, qwerty-qwerty"(this has happened twice on my record), various odd chuckles, and one of my all time favorites, "Rebarrrrrrrrrrrr". Might think about trying it out, you get used to waking up in a few weeks if you keep reminding yourself. If anything its a use for the hundreds of old tape recorders you might have stashed in your closet.
Re: Dreams
Alex, Sat May 13 2006, 02:19PM

Haha, that's great. I used to mumble in my sleep, I don't know if I still do. I have woken myself up on several occasions by shouting, but I don't think I actually say anything.

I just woke up, so I'll try to write down my dream. I don't remember all of it, but I'll go as far back as I can.

On a beach. Smoke. I am very averse to the smoke. In a large building. White corridors, blue (carpeted?) floor. I am walking around, (looking for?) and hiding from someone/thing. I know someone is following, but maybe if I just keep going and don't act like I shouldn't be here, they won't notice. I walk through two double doors, into a room with two ceilings of different height. I can't see past the low ceiling to the high one. Guy who was following me comes in, and I get on a lift in the high ceiling'd section of the room. He follows me, and stands on the platform. It begins to rise, and I am scared shitless by this guy, so I jump off onto a balconyish thing that has just appeared on the wall. I use the lift controls to make him fall off. He is hurt, and yells something at me. I put the lift back down, and he gets on again (wtf?). I send it up higher this time, intending to drop and kill him. When I bring it down, he's gone. He must have gotten off at one of the other balconies.

I jump across (what? I have no idea, I just jump across) and follow another balcony to a window. There is a woman stealing sheets of glass off of a tarred roof. Somehow she is removing them from it, and it made sense at the time. She is in danger of getting caught, as am I, so I decide to help her. I try to disassemble the window in front of me. Kick, kick. Stab glass with pliers, try to remove sections of wood holding panes in place. Why the hell am I so weak? Guy is coming, maybe. Not sure about this part. I'm down on the ground, and the woman is tossing panes of glass down to me. They land on the grass, unbroken, which I find odd. The next one breaks. I pick it up anyway, and start to get away. I walk down my front lawn (I seem to be at my house). I walk along the road, trying to get to my neighbor's house. I pass a bunch of bikers, presumably going to my dad's shop. I am afraid that they want to kill me too, but I keep walking, and they just ride right on by. They seem to be going slow to pull into the driveway, but I never see them go in. One guy is wearing a helmet with fake star wars-like guns, two on the side, one on the back/top. They are all aimed up at about a 45 degree angle. I wonder why the guy is dressed as Boba Fett.

I start to head up into the woods, back towards my house. I can't run! I'm so slow! Roots, forest ground. Why am I so weak? I am on my lawn. Big scary guy who wants to kill me is there. He puts me in a headlock. I signal to the bikers to come to my aid. They lumber forward, big guy yells something about killing them too. I get free. Somehow the big guy was once on my side, and wanted me to do something or something. Something about me being averse to marijuana smoke. Wake.
Re: Dreams
Steve Conner, Sat May 13 2006, 04:30PM

EVR: Was it even more fantastic than getting laid by a real woman? tongue

Aahz: I know this is going to sound bizarre, but can you do me a favour? Can you read the transcripts of those two crazy dreams with the floating dead trees and stuff out loud, record it, and send an MP3? I have a big electronic gig coming up Link2 and I'm looking for weird stuff to drop into the mix.
Re: Dreams
Alex, Sat May 13 2006, 07:48PM

Steve Conner wrote ...

Aahz: I know this is going to sound bizarre, but can you do me a favour? Can you read the transcripts of those two crazy dreams with the floating dead trees and stuff out loud, record it, and send an MP3? I have a big electronic gig coming up Link2 and I'm looking for weird stuff to drop into the mix.
Reminds me of Dreamcatcher by Attrition. The link takes you to an mp3 of the song, found on the band's site, attrition.co.uk. It's not quite the same as what you're doing, but... yeah.
Re: Dreams
Part Scavenger, Sun May 14 2006, 01:08AM

Speaking of being in computers/computers in dreams. When I had my wisdom teeth taken out (all four at once) they precribed some pain medication for me, and I don't respond well to any kind of pain medication I can think of. They make me so nauseated I usually just go with the pain instead. Anyway, I'd been playing Halo ALL DAY because that was all I could manage, and when they gave me the medication I passed out. While I was passed out, I was playing Halo, the best it's ever felt. Everything was real, you could see 360 deg, smell, feel the plasma grenades in your hand, it was awesome! I swear if I had not been weak, I'd have melee'd my dad when he woke me. I guess that's as close to a lucid dream as I've ever had.

As far as physical goes, I've had the weak feeling too. I think it has to do with I'm under the covers? Also, I've had several dreams where I'm all freaked out because I can hardly open my eyes.
Re: Dreams
Chris Russell, Sun May 14 2006, 02:34AM

Strange dreams, hmm.

I have one recurring dream in which I look into a mirror, and I see my reflection. Then, the lights in the room go out, but the reflection is still visible. I realize the mirror is actually a doorway of some kind, and my reflection ripples away, and something terrible from the "other side" is looking at me. It looks like a person, turned inside out. I see blood, veins, bits of skull... it screams at me... a horrible sound, I am not sure if it wants to kill me, or if it is in terrible agony, probably both... and I can't move. It screams again, so loud that I know I must be going deaf, and I generally wake up at that point.
Re: Dreams
HV Enthusiast, Sun May 14 2006, 03:19AM

Speaking of dreams . . .

Anyone (mostly us old folks out there) remember the 1984 classic movie, "Dreamscape?"

Classic 80's movie with horrific special effects (remember that lizard creature), and an ALL-STAR cast including
Eddie Albert, Kate Capshaw, Dennis Quaid, Max von Sidow, and David Kelley, who was the butt of Arnold's Swarzengegger's famous line from Commando, "I let him go."

If you haven't seen this one, go to the VHS section of your local video store and rent it!!! You won't be disapointed!
Re: Dreams
EEYORE, Sun May 14 2006, 03:41AM

Chris Russell wrote ...

Strange dreams, hmm.

I have one recurring dream in which I look into a mirror, and I see my reflection. Then, the lights in the room go out, but the reflection is still visible. I realize the mirror is actually a doorway of some kind, and my reflection ripples away, and something terrible from the "other side" is looking at me. It looks like a person, turned inside out. I see blood, veins, bits of skull... it screams at me... a horrible sound, I am not sure if it wants to kill me, or if it is in terrible agony, probably both... and I can't move. It screams again, so loud that I know I must be going deaf, and I generally wake up at that point.
Jeeze man!Thats freaky!Now ill bet ill have a dream like that tonight tongue
Most my dreams see m to be lucid dreams, thus leaving my feeling exhausted when i awake. Once i hurt myself by kicking someones head off(used to be a punter) when i was actually kickng the wall!I woke up with a black and blue foot!

Re: Dreams
Alex, Sun May 14 2006, 04:00AM

Part Scavenger wrote ...
As far as physical goes, I've had the weak feeling too. I think it has to do with I'm under the covers? Also, I've had several dreams where I'm all freaked out because I can hardly open my eyes.
Covers, hmm, maybe that's it. I hate the eye thing, it pisses me off. There's nothing like waking up tired.
Re: Dreams
Dr. Dark Current, Sun May 14 2006, 08:45PM

I used to be in a dreadful state where I dreamed with open eyes, what I saw blended with the dream and didn't know what is reality, but the most scary thing was that I was not able to move any part of my body! suprised It took usually big endeavour to actually escape from this state...
Re: Dreams
Heiders, Mon May 15 2006, 11:05PM

In addition to talking and drooling (but not walking) in my sleep, I have been told I touch myself. Don't remember either the dream or getting any pleasure out of it.

Sorry if thats TMI...
Re: Dreams
ragnar, Tue May 16 2006, 12:03AM

Ya, I'm also a notorious sleep-babbler. Nothing sensible though.. my words are too fuxored to understand.
Re: Dreams
Desmogod, Tue May 16 2006, 01:09AM

Heiders wrote ...

In addition to talking and drooling (but not walking) in my sleep, I have been told I touch myself.

I REALLY need to clean my glasses, I didn't read "walking" correctly, but then noticed what you added afterwards

Thats not an uncommon thing though is it. Hell, most of us do it when we are AWAKE!

I had a dream last night that I had joined the army. I was rather pleased when I woke up.
Re: Dreams
Part Scavenger, Tue May 16 2006, 07:19PM

My sister sleepwalks. It was really creepy the first few times because until about the fourth time it happened she didn't know who I was. After that, she knew who I was. It was pretty interesting, she had her eyes open, and would talk to you, but she would sometimes run into things and would always reply with nonsense.
Re: Dreams
JimmyH, Thu May 18 2006, 08:01PM

Fevers can give you really weird dreams...

I was having 'semi conscious' dreams where I know where I am and everything, but at the same time, I'm also inside a "particle accelerator", and I had to stay still so that the particles would collide right. There was another one of them where I had to prove stuff about the angle I was laying down and I couldn't do it. There were many other dreams like this.

All of them were extremely stressful which made the night horrible, but interesting now.

When I was napping the other day, I was having real dreams about stuff, like running up a huge spiral staircase, but I knew I was sleeping, so I could just make someone else appear, and they did. The weird part was that I was also awake. I knew I was on the futon on the floor, and knew that my mom was in the kitchen at the exact same time. When she made a loud noise, I knew thats what the noise was, but in my dream, the guy that was there clapped really loud at the exact same time anyway. It was really awesome getting both views at once, and seeing how amazingly quickly one's brain can come up with explanations for the noise. I don't know if it had to do with the 800mg of ibuprofen, or what, but it was really interesting.

I don't really understand the excitement over lucid dreaming. I tend to realise that I'm dreaming a lot, and can change stuff if I want to, but then I know it's not real, and the fun kinda goes away.. I usually wake up after that too.

If you've never heard of melatonin, it's a great over the counter sleep aid with a neat side effect of lots of vivid dreams :).

Re: Dreams
Dr. Drone, Thu May 18 2006, 10:50PM

Re: Dreams
Self Defenestrate, Thu May 18 2006, 11:50PM

There wouldn't happen to be pork rinds on the pizza, would there?
Re: Dreams
Alex, Thu May 18 2006, 11:51PM

JimmyH wrote ...
...I was sleeping, so I could just make someone else appear, and they did. The weird part was that I was also awake. I knew I was on the futon on the floor, and knew that my mom was in the kitchen at the exact same time. When she made a loud noise, I knew thats what the noise was, but in my dream, the guy that was there clapped really loud at the exact same time anyway...
I do that a lot in my math class. I try to stay awake, but the steady stream of numbers and mathematical functions being thrown at me are extremely effective at putting me asleep. I usually end up daydreaming and completely spacing out. I'll fall asleep/wake up in quick cycles, but it's confusing because I don't know how much time has passed. I think the term for that is "micro napping." It happens when I'm driving while very tired, too. mistrust
Re: Dreams
HV Enthusiast, Fri May 19 2006, 01:38AM

wrote ...

I don't really understand the excitement over lucid dreaming. I tend to realise that I'm dreaming a lot, and can change stuff if I want to, but then I know it's not real, and the fun kinda goes away.. I usually wake up after that too.

Its likely you haven't really experienced a true lucid dream. Dream awareness alone does not constitute dream lucidity, nor does the ability to change things in a dream mean you are lucid dreaming. Many can change things at will, not recognizing that they are actually in a dream, nor obtaining the high level of awareness that constitutes high level lucidity. Also, you state that you change stuff, then you know its not real, and the fun goes way and you wake up. This frame of mind regarding dream awareness actually is a psychological (albeit a common one too) block that prevents one from attaining true lucidity.

Re: Dreams
Simon, Fri May 19 2006, 03:53AM

JimmyH wrote ...

Fevers can give you really weird dreams...

I was having 'semi conscious' dreams where I know where I am and everything, but at the same time, I'm also inside a "particle accelerator", and I had to stay still so that the particles would collide right. There was another one of them where I had to prove stuff about the angle I was laying down and I couldn't do it. There were many other dreams like this.

All of them were extremely stressful which made the night horrible, but interesting now.

I've had dreams like that after too much study. Not fun and not refreshing. I once dreamt that all the people I knew were conic sections...
Re: Dreams
JimmyH, Fri May 19 2006, 04:54PM

Its likely you haven't really experienced a true lucid dream. Dream awareness alone does not constitute dream lucidity, nor does the ability to change things in a dream mean you are lucid dreaming. Many can change things at will, not recognizing that they are actually in a dream, nor obtaining the high level of awareness that constitutes high level lucidity.

I seem to meet both of these criterion, since I am completely aware I am dreaming, and can control what goes on.

You obviously have a different definition of lucid dreaming. I'd like to hear it, maybe the extra criteria can help me figure out why I'm not having any fun.

Also, you state that you change stuff, then you know its not real, and the fun goes way and you wake up. This frame of mind regarding dream awareness actually is a psychological (albeit a common one too) block that prevents one from attaining true lucidity.

Not exactly. I realise stuff isn't real first. I don't do tests or anything, I just have a habit of noticing. Then I get the feeling of "well, I could just do whatever, but it's not real, so...". If I keep going with it anyway, it usually just falls apart and I wake up.
Re: Dreams
ragnar, Fri May 19 2006, 08:53PM

Nothing lucid here, but after building the 5AM SSTC, I found in my first class I was excessively tired...

...I never closed my eyes, but I would drift off for seconds at a time and come to finding that I'd written nonsensical words on the page (like "downstairs"... "fuchsia"... "captain"...) and it seemed to be related to whatever I was thinking as soon as I lost focus. I don't remember writing those words, but I know I never stopped writing whenever I was "thinking".

As a result, I found myself furiously scribbling out my own writing every ten seconds or so, and at the end of my maths class, I had a page half full of strange scribbled out words that drifted from between the lines to up and over, or down through the lines. I can't write straight when I'm thinking, it seems.

I also can't think straight when I'm writing.

..and god knows what I could have been thinking about every 10 seconds to pop those words into my head.
Re: Dreams
Steve Conner, Fri May 19 2006, 10:50PM

I used to fall asleep in math class quite a lot. Once, I think my head must have crashed off the desk or something, because the teacher spotted what was going on and started yelling at me. I found the cure was to abandon my 6th year of high school and head off to university. The lecture rooms are bigger and the lecturers could care less if you're asleep. :P

I also have this recurring dream where I'm in some foreign place on holiday, the plane home is leaving in 5 minutes, and all my stuff needs packed in a hurry. As I try to pack it, it multiplies and gets in more of a mess until the whole room is full of junk.

I never experimented with lucid dreaming. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me the whole point of sleeping is to be unconscious and have a break from hassles like being aware of who you are and deciding what you're going to do.

Does _anyone_ want to offer a mp3 transcript of their dream? The gig is tomorrow evening and the "decks"- two laptops running an old version of Traktor on Win98- will be getting loaded with their sound files tomorrow afternoon. UK time tongue
Re: Dreams
williamn, Sat May 20 2006, 03:01AM

The dreams I find interesting are the extremley realistic type dreams that inlcude me(yourself) getting into some kind of deep shit, then waking up realizing it was just a dream and you are not really going to prison. Wheeew. neutral gotta love those.
Re: Dreams
Alex, Sat May 20 2006, 05:02AM

Steve Conner wrote ...
Does _anyone_ want to offer a mp3 transcript of their dream? The gig is tomorrow evening and the "decks"- two laptops running an old version of Traktor on Win98- will be getting loaded with their sound files tomorrow afternoon. UK time tongue
That sounded pretty cool and I would have liked to have helped you out. Alas, I lack the required pre for my mic. frown

Tell us how it went when you get back.
Re: Dreams
Alfons, Sat May 20 2006, 01:19PM

I dreamt something very strange last night:

I dreamed I was on vacation in the Czech Republic (don't ask me how I know where I was, I just knew), where I met some Dutch shepherd-boys (young shepherds) in a building where there were all kinds of election-posters. We decided to walk home, but we got lost. On our way through a field, there suddenly was a fence with other young people behind it. They believed in some sort of crazy religious thing, and they wanted to sacrifice us.
They started following us, running, running, running, until we found a white tower, which we entered. Suddenly we already were on top of the tower and started running down on various kinds of very strange stairs (vertical ones, diagonal ones etc...).

Then I woke op, sweating...

Very strange.

Re: Dreams
ragnar, Sat May 20 2006, 01:26PM

Steve, I'd have helped with the nonchalant, nostalgic dream mp3 transcript, but I don't have my nice Behringer microphones up here at the factory... and I don't get home til two days from now your time =P

Let me know for next time!

Re: Dreams
Coyote Wilde, Sat May 20 2006, 02:52PM

Though this is too late, even better than someone recording a transcript of their dream, is if you could get the dream recorded-- on EEG. Perhaps play it with the transcript? I don't know what brainwaves actually sound like, put into human-ear frequencies, but hey, it'd be something different...