Another DRSSTC Driver

HV Enthusiast, Tue Feb 14 2006, 01:57PM

Here is another synchronized DRSSTC driver for your pleasure. This is something we
were originally using in our commercial prototypes, however we have since moved to
embedded processors for all control / fault logic. From our experience so far, the
circuit has worked extremely well with no problems.


- Low chip count - Total 3 (D-Flipflop, AND gate, Hex Inverter)
- Sychronized turn-off with fault (ensures turn off during zero current crossing)
- Sychronized re-enable (will not re-enable pulse burst during existing mod pulse)

Again, its not much different than what is already out there, but rather just a different variation.
Re: Another DRSSTC Driver
kywalda, Thu Apr 19 2007, 06:57PM

How did you realize your U13 Delay? Or is it just a symbol for the 2 Schmidt-Triggers? Do you also have any board-designs as pdf or in eagel-format?


Re: Another DRSSTC Driver
HV Enthusiast, Thu Apr 19 2007, 10:33PM

Wow, thats an old post . ..

The delay is just a simple RC network. This driver is implemented in the schematics on my website below.