PIC ICSP Confusion

McFluffin, Sun Apr 09 2006, 12:27AM

I have a JDM style programmer that I have been using to program various PICs, epecially PIC18F458 type. I tried liniing up the pins on the ICSP connector and a pinout of a PIC18F458, but I can't get ICSP to work. I don't even get to not getting it to program. When I plugged in the ICSP connector, the power on the JDM programmer is lost and the power LED goes out. I tried using this link:
for help. However, it looks as if they pins they show don't line up to the pins for that microcontroller on a datasheet I saw. In any case, I don't really know why I would be losing power. If I take out the MCU, I don't lose power. Anyone have experiences with ICSP that could help me? Its starting to get really annoying and damaging to pull out the MCU every time I want to load in new code.
Re: PIC ICSP Confusion
Carbon_Rod, Mon Apr 10 2006, 08:01AM

They have some ZIF sockets one can plug in while prototyping. Often a fried chip is easier to replace then a fried programmer.

On that note, I have found the MCPxxxxx and new PIC18 series chips tend to fail closed. This means once they fry they tend to short the rails to take out the power supply fuse.

It becomes clear once one has eliminated code mistakes (proven test code), chip upload communication errors (bs error codes with another fresh chip), and circuit accuracy.

Try to read the chip and if it says its write protected (and the flag was not programmed) then its likely a dead bug.
