EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse

babou, Fri Dec 19 2008, 09:33PM


i dont write good english, so i hope you can understand me.
i make a dream, i post it on other forum but none can help me.

my dream is to make a emp with the lightning, my idea is to make a lighting rod
with a coil. when the lighting touch the lightning rod the coil emit a very short and
power electromagnetic pulse (emp).

can anybody tell me if it can work and how to calculate the coil ?
Re: EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
rp181, Fri Dec 19 2008, 09:54PM

What makes you think a coil would make a EMP more powerful then the strike its self? From my knowledge, EMP''s are produced with a straight conductor. Plus, theres these obvious issues:
1) safety. Trying to coax lightning to you is a death wish without proper knowledge
2) Lighting has extreme amounts of currents, that means a exploding coil.
3) the safety of a EMP pulse to nearby things.
4) practicality. Is it really practical for a hobbyist to make a lightning powered EMP?
Re: EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
big5824, Sat Dec 20 2008, 12:03AM

off the top of my head, an average lightning strike is about 50KA, which isnt much more than some large hobby railguns, so i doubt the pulse would be very large. Also containing the bolt will be difficult.....I imagine it might just arc through your insulation to short the coil out.
Re: EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
Proud Mary, Sat Dec 20 2008, 12:51AM

You will be killed!
Re: EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
Backyard Skunkworks, Sat Dec 20 2008, 03:16AM

If you want a strong EMP, you'll be much better off with something like Link2 . Of course large EMPs are very dangerous, and you'd need to do this in a very remote area.
Re: EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
rp181, Sat Dec 20 2008, 03:38PM

Or not. Magnetic flux compresion devices require high explosives (NOT gunpowder), Specalized blast deflection shields to control the burn propagation, Highly precise timing of the igniter, and it all has to potted in a large block of concrete or something like that.
Re: EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
Sulaiman, Sat Dec 20 2008, 03:41PM

If you want a large emp fly a kite with a conductive wire/string during a storm.
You won't get much more than that.

P.S. could be hazardous ;)
Re: EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
Dr. H., Sat Dec 20 2008, 06:43PM

Or do what scientist do - fire a rocket with a wire.

Re: EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
Backyard Skunkworks, Sat Dec 20 2008, 07:30PM

rp181 wrote ...

Or not. Magnetic flux compresion devices require high explosives (NOT gunpowder), Specalized blast deflection shields to control the burn propagation, Highly precise timing of the igniter, and it all has to potted in a large block of concrete or something like that.

Yeah, good point. I guess there really arn't any non-suicidal methods for getting medium size EMPs (in between small marx gen and large nuke). smile
Re: EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
Shaun, Sat Dec 20 2008, 08:14PM

Read all posts by EastVoltResearch in this thread. He explains how an amateur would go about building an inefficient but possibly effective EMP device. It's still no easy task.
Re: EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
babou, Wed Dec 24 2008, 09:52PM

rp181 wrote ...

What makes you think a coil would make a EMP more powerful then the strike its self? From my knowledge, EMP''s are produced with a straight conductor.

i am newbie in electronic.
the lightning is "a marx generator", it make high voltage, but a marx generator without an antenna don't emit emp.
so the coil is the antenna.
the antenna (coil) transforms energy to electromagnetic.

Re: EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse
Shaun, Wed Dec 24 2008, 11:37PM

An electromagnetic pulse is created by a very rapidly changing current (dI/dt). That's all. Having the energy to make it of effective duration and size is an entirely different factor. Lightning has a VERY high dI/dt and a huge amount of energy, so a very large pulse is created.