text size

..., Tue Mar 28 2006, 02:05AM

I reinstalled windows on my laptop (14" lcd running at 1500x1050 amazed), and can't find the right setting to make it pretend to be a 'normal' resolution monitor without making everything look like crap, so I am trying to make do with the extreme dpi...

So far the biggest problem is the forum... With most sites (and some text of the forum) I can make it readable by changing the text size (view->text size) to medium, but it doesn't affect the text of the threads cry
So you have to be like 18" from the monitor for it to be comfortable...

Also, if we got the variable text size going to could tell all of the people that are complaining about the smiles being to big to turn up the text size so they fit cheesey

Anything we can do about that?
Re: text size
ragnar, Tue Mar 28 2006, 12:00PM

A) If you use a real browser like Firefox, Ctrl + PLUS and Ctrl + MINUS should change all text sizes - relative, %, em, ex, pt, pixels, absolute, whatever.

B) The settings for using less pixels on your monitor when you use other-than-native-resolution (as opposed to seeing crappy hardware interpolation) may be in the BIOS.
Re: text size
..., Wed Mar 29 2006, 12:49AM

argg, I stop using firefox for 5 minutes because I haven't gotten it installed and mistrust

I don't want to change the resolution of the display (that defeats the whole purpose of the screen), there was a windows theme that is no longer there. No problems, I found it last night.

It should also be noted that it is correctly resized on my palm running a several year old version of netfront...
Re: text size
rupidust, Thu Mar 30 2006, 09:30PM

I agree, font size is too small and still should be adjustable even if others consider it to not be too small. Using FireFox and so on should not be a requirement to read threads in comfort, visually anyway.
Re: text size
Bjørn, Thu Mar 30 2006, 10:07PM

It would be helpful with screenshots, it looks fine on my computers.
Re: text size
..., Thu Mar 30 2006, 11:50PM

for me the standard text size (ie, IE text size) "I" is 60 mills (1.5mm) tall amazed That smiley is 157mills (4mm) tall...

I don't see how a screenshot would help as everyone has a different size/resolution monitor...
Re: text size
Ben, Fri Mar 31 2006, 05:05AM

yeah, with firefox: hold the CTRL key then roll the wheel on your mouse---works too.
Re: text size
Quantum Singularity, Sat Apr 01 2006, 04:02AM

I learn more reasons to like firefox every day. Thanks for the heads up on the contol +/- on firefox. To bad that wont work at my work computer were the res is cranked through the roof and I need a magnifying glass to read the forums lol.