Neural Network Simulation

vasil, Sat Mar 04 2006, 02:49PM

Do you know some programs, to be used for neural networks simulation?


[Mod edit: thread given descriptive title]
Re: Neural Network Simulation
HV Enthusiast, Sat Mar 04 2006, 03:09PM


Re: Neural Network Simulation
vasil, Sat Mar 04 2006, 04:03PM

Re: Neural Network Simulation
Liam, Sun Mar 05 2006, 01:41AM

Not for me?

There are actually some that are really useful for Excel (plugins, that is). Try for actual code samples - there are quite a few, even in VB - although they are fairly simple.
Re: Neural Network Simulation
Bjørn, Sun Mar 05 2006, 04:38PM

Both and did an excellent job to make sure it took 24 hours to get it running.

It took me 20 seconds to run into the typical Java runtime exception errors and the whole thing blew up before I managed to train or test any of the example networks. Possibly it works better with an old Java runtime.

Very user unfriendly but it might be useful. The documentation is not completely in sync with reality either.
Re: Neural Network Simulation
Dr. Shark, Thu Mar 23 2006, 12:02PM

What kind of simulation are you looking for, you can get anything from a detailed simulation of the neurotransmitters at individual synapses to simple integrate and fire networks with millions of neurons.

You might want to try NEST for a start, it is fast and works for large scale networks, and it's free.

Please feel free to ask for more information, I am currently doing a PhD on these things.
Re: Neural Network Simulation
Hazmatt_(The Underdog), Thu Mar 23 2006, 05:27PM

I guess nobody likes Matlab huh.

It has the funciton, but I've never used it. You have to get the seperate toolbox though.
Re: Neural Network Simulation
Alex, Thu Mar 23 2006, 08:47PM

PDP++ (just google it) is an awesome program. There's a sourceforge project called sigmapi, it's cool if you can get it to work. It analyzes wav files using LSTM neurons. I used it on my G4 under OSX, but I was unable to get it to work in linux.
Re: Neural Network Simulation
Steve Conner, Fri Mar 24 2006, 11:44AM

Hazmatt: Matlab is very nice but it costs $$$$$$$$$$. The company I work for can't afford it, let alone a hobbyist. You could get a pirate version, but it's more morally sound to go for free software. The best thing about free and open source research is that it's very easy for other experimenters to get it and reproduce/build on your work.
Re: Neural Network Simulation
vasil, Fri Mar 24 2006, 12:09PM

I would like to play a bit, making something like a diagnose helper. I know that an expert program, with your well established rules, would be better, but I'd like to get some not- prepared answers from a neural program. And i think it is funnier to play with.
Re: Neural Network Simulation
Hazmatt_(The Underdog), Sat Mar 25 2006, 05:33AM

I have matlab here at home. and I know others have snuck copies of the nnet toolboxes heh...heh

I want the power systems toolbox! but I have to contact them to buy it. they won't let me buy online. it sucks!