really quick simple question -- steve wards micro sstc

teslaguy, Sun Sept 02 2007, 08:42AM

I just ordered the parts for it and i was wondering if it would be safe to run the mosfet off of reguated line voltage instead of the 35vdc? i have some bigger mofsets on hand to so i might try to switch a newer one in to. Would I be safe with line voltage or do i need bigger r3? Link2 is the circuit for reference
thanks much.
Re: really quick simple question -- steve wards micro sstc
Steve Conner, Sun Sept 02 2007, 10:20AM

Do you mean "line" as in 120V AC from a wall socket? If so, that's probably not a good idea as the voltage across the MOSFET can be several times the supply voltage (at least 3 times) so the 160V DC you get from rectifying the line could possibly blow a 600V MOSFET. Step it down with a transformer out of an old stereo or something. This also isolates the whole mess from the line and reduces your chances of getting fried.