SSTC eating fets

Experimentonomen, Sun Aug 05 2007, 01:59PM

I tried to replicate WaveMan´s Armstrong SSTC and just managed to get a streamer in a light bulb when the fet descided to take a smoke break. I first tried a STE53NC50 but it took only seconds to heat and short out despite a heatsink that barely got warm. Then i tried an IRFP460, added a variable cap and found a point where a streamer lit in a automotive light bulb, shortly after the 460 poofed, leaving a nasty smell.

These two fets seemed like a quite not so good choice. Which fet would be good choice ?
Re: SSTC eating fets
Marko, Sun Aug 05 2007, 07:32PM

Hey, welcome to forum!

Armstrong oscillator may be troublesome with mosfet's. I think gate will definitely require clamping, either with high-power zener or a string of diodes to keep it working sort of class C.

But I don't think the bother is worth of building a simple bridge.