Online Java schematic tool GUI for Spice etc...

Carbon_Rod, Fri Feb 10 2006, 12:35AM

I was thinking of restarting this dead open source project:
WebLAB Link2

Or even:
CircuitSmith (has PCB design too) Link2

It seems to work too. =) But it has almost no parts and very crude cgi tools (That would need updated with some PHP code etc.)

I would like to know how many people would be willing to add to the spice libs etc. if a new project was started in a few months?

I have pm'd a few admins and wait to see what they think too.
It may very well be too complex etc. as it will take at least a few people that know both Java and a bit of Spice to get it done.

Any Ideas?

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Re: Online Java schematic tool GUI for Spice etc...
Hazmatt_(The Underdog), Tue Feb 21 2006, 07:50PM

you know that Simulink in Matlab does this right?
Re: Online Java schematic tool GUI for Spice etc...
Carbon_Rod, Tue Feb 21 2006, 10:28PM

Lol, ;)

There are many versions of EDA software out there with excellent user interfaces. Just none that are GPL (gEDA is the only open source project I know of that imports a decent framework.) If I needed to I would simply write an interface for MatLab, Maple, Mathematica, or countless numerous other Math libraries.

I had considered just offering secure VNC access to virtual machine workstations. It’s easy to do, but that is almost 100% server side and some software prohibits remote or multi-user modes.

My main interest is in the Berkley spice framework as it borders on a human readable scripting language. So it should be fairly easy to port a fully cross platform (*nux Mac Win ), and a free GPL alternative interpreter. The IEEE group members proposed a similar project standard at some point, but like the old project is quickly approaching vapourware status due to lack of interest.

The statistics for this thread say that for whatever reason it seems people have or will acquire EDA tools on their own and do not need alternatives. This information is useful considering people here would be the likely theoretical users.

Hmmm, I agree wasting unpaid development time would be foolish.
Re: Online Java schematic tool GUI for Spice etc...
Hazmatt_(The Underdog), Fri Feb 24 2006, 01:15AM

But you do have a point. There is a great need for alternatives. I have problems where I don't know how to use everything. So I have to figure out what works best with what with my limited understanding.

I really have 4 to consider, Matlab, Simulink, PSpice and Multisim. They're all the same in many ways, its just how difficult is it for me to set something up. Sometimes its impossible for me to figure out Matlab, or maybe I dont have a library in Simulink so I can't do something, so I have to go to PSpice, and then tweaking the properties in PSpice gives me a hard time, so I go to Multisim or something along those lines.

I can understand PSpice a lot more now, but you get the idea.

Maybe I want to simulate a 4th order differential, and I know the system properties, I'm not going to go back and calculate the LCR values, I can just go to Simulink and set it up fast.

I think the biggest selling point of any software is when it can do something that the others wont when its 'out of the box'. That's what I hate about Simulink, I have to order more libraries, and have had to write my own signal generators at a couple of times. But that's over now so Im happy!