Hand-cranked TC

Tesladownunder, Sat May 05 2007, 04:27AM

Someone on the Tesla list wanted to make a hand/pedal powered TC. Not being able to pass by the opportunity to make small sparks, I pulled out my hand generator and mini-TC. Here is the result.

It makes 1/4 inch sparks with a hand generator (antique telephone)
and my mini coil using one instead of 4 segments for the static gap. The
generator was giving 100V peak AC under load into the NST. (Mains is 375V
peak AC). Photo shows a tiny spark in series with a neon on top of my mini coil. My right hand is a blur of rotation and my left hand is holding the camera infrared remote (which the camera can see). The out of focus CRO is set for 50V per division ie just over 100 V peak in a rather odd shaped wave.

Details here

1178339217 10 FT0 Teslahandcranked