Coil Gun Simulator

WmHarriss, Mon Apr 30 2007, 05:25AM

This is basically a front-end I made for myself based on Bill Slade's brilliant work. I will update it periodically, hope you find it useful.

Re: Coil Gun Simulator
WaveRider, Mon Apr 30 2007, 07:08PM

Wow! I'm impressed!!!!!

Also, thanks for the kudos!!!
Re: Coil Gun Simulator
TheMerovingian, Thu May 03 2007, 09:13PM

This front end uses the nel FEA engine or the reluctance-based model?
Re: Coil Gun Simulator
WmHarriss, Sun May 06 2007, 06:11AM

WaveRunner: I should thank you for all the work you put into your code! Are you still working on it? There are two limitations that I would put at the top of my list:

1) Ability to have a coil longer than the projectile, and
2) Ability to simulate pulsing the coil when the projectile has already entered it.

I wrote some code to display a 2D map of delay times vs. pulse times which uses colors to show hotspots where the maximum velocity, energy, or whatever parameter you choose lies. It is interesting to look at, and I will release it soon.

TheMerovingian: I currently have the projectile material fixed at mild steel, so it is ok for reluctance gun only. The next release will allow you to pick projectile material and starting position, I think the same functions will simulate an inductance gun too.
Re: Coil Gun Simulator
WaveRider, Sun May 06 2007, 07:31PM

Hi William,
I occasionally play with my coilgun codes. However, I have not had a lot of time in the lasr few months.

I do have a code that simulates projectiles of any length (even any shape, if you want). It is based on a finite element method, so the geometry input is more complicated than the simple code.

I can make the FEM code available to you, if you like. Alternatively, I can change the simplified model code to fit your requirements. Let me know what oter specfic changes you want (other then the projectile length constraint)...


Re: Coil Gun Simulator
shadowlight, Fri Feb 12 2021, 05:45PM

that link is not working. I remember a coilgun simulator ages ago that was just a load of text boxes where you tweak the values in them in order to match coil size to voltage to capacitance, etc, but I cannot find it anywhere now. does anyone have a link, please?
Re: Coil Gun Simulator
klugesmith, Wed Feb 17 2021, 03:16AM

You might be thinking of "Barry's" coilgun site.
Could start at Link2

The javascript simulator seems to be in disrepair, or my Java installation is broken.
Would anyone be interested in getting similar charts from a spreadsheet (Excel or open source), in which you type in values for R, L, and C?
The inductance calculator was similar in style. Sliders & stuff for data entry. Handy calculation of turns per layer, number of turns, etc. Then trival application of Wheeler's formula.
Re: Coil Gun Simulator
shadowlight, Wed Feb 17 2021, 04:31PM

I tried the barry's one but when I try to compile with javac I get a load of errors.
that spreadsheet you mentioned sounds interesting
Re: Coil Gun Simulator
Barry, Fri Apr 16 2021, 04:18PM

The java simulators at Barry's coilgun site are sadly all broken. Sorry about that.
The whole browser-side java platform suffered self-immolation by security issues and really can't/shouldn't be used at all. I need to rewrite them all in modern technology (html5?) to make them work again, but it's not a priority and it's a lot of work and I have no plans to do so. Bummer, I know.
Barry Link2