powering a 120v incandescent bulb

IamSmooth, Wed Mar 28 2007, 12:16AM

Should I be able to light a standard bulb by using a small coil of wire attached to the terminals when a large enough Tesla coil is running?
Re: powering a 120v incandescent bulb
hvguy, Wed Mar 28 2007, 07:21AM

In theory, provided you are close enough to the primary. This is very impractical though…
Re: powering a 120v incandescent bulb
Dr. Shark, Wed Mar 28 2007, 05:36PM

I think Firkragg did some experiments on this. He used a second "secondary" to act as an antenna and then connected the light bulb to the "primary" of that coil.
Of course if you put the coil directly on top of your TC, you should get a fairly high coupling and it would work well without any tricks.