Office Van der Graaf Generator

thedatastream, Tue Jan 30 2007, 01:35PM

A colleague of mine has built a VDG out of office supplies. Each half of the tower is made from 2 water cooler cups stacked inside each other. Top pulley is a pencil with insulation tape wrapped around it, the belt is a large rubber band and the brushes are made from de-solder braid. A 12Vdc motor and a Vimto can accumulator completes the setup which is held together with BluTack and hot melt.

Running from a 9V supply it gives 10mm sparks to a round grounded point. Not bad for such a small device shades

1170164038 505 FT0 1

1170164038 505 FT0 2

1170164038 505 FT0 3

That concludes the entertainment for this lunchtime wink
