Green Buttons Not Green?

thedatastream, Sun Jan 14 2007, 07:32PM

I've noticed that sometimes when I go to the forum main page, and there are new posts in a forum, the green button isn't always lit. Hitting "refresh" in my browser (Firefox) causes the button status to be updated.

Is there something I can do or is there something that the forums can do to prevent this? It's only a small gripe...

Re: Green Buttons Not Green?
Steve Conner, Sun Jan 14 2007, 10:17PM

Don't navigate back to the main page with your browser's Back button. If you do, you see the cached state of the buttons from the last time your browser loaded the page, not the current state of them. Having said that, the green buttons seem to have a mind of their own. If you ever do solve the mystery of how they work, please let us know wink