Breakout Point - Optimum Position?

thedatastream, Mon Dec 04 2006, 04:19PM

Is there an optimum position for a breakout point? I've noticed some variation in where I locate my breakout in that further away from the toroid appears marginally better.

Any other tips for breakout location / design? I've just been using a 3" screw laid on top of the toroid.

Re: Breakout Point - Optimum Position?
vasil, Mon Dec 04 2006, 04:50PM

You can try to find the best position with something like that:

The 1/3 upper part of the toroid seems to be the best.

With short nails the sparks will start at higher voltages but they are longer from my experience...but it will stress a bit the secondary.
Re: Breakout Point - Optimum Position?
Terry Fritz, Tue Dec 05 2006, 06:31AM


All that I can add...

For the DRSSTC case where strikes to the primary are "bad"... Adding an arc point off the very top to space is an advantage in eliminating primary strikes. Terminals like to arc off the surface at some odd angle depending on many things... But it is not really important at all..

