For Sale -capacitors, transformers, motors, stuff, that I want to pass on to somebody who can use it

Dr. Slack, Tue Mar 15 2022, 03:39PM

I have a huge array of stuff that I've rescued from years of dumpster diving, or bought new and not used, and I'm now downsizing and don't want to throw them in the recycling just yet.

In the next few days/weeks, I'll put up some better details of what I have. In the meantime, if there's something you might want in some of the general categories, please ask, I may have it.

I'm in the UK, just north of London, though from time to time I travel to various bits of the country, so you may be able to get free delivery depending where you live and if you can wait.

Inductors, ex small fluorescent tubes, about a dozen, ideal for a DC RSG coil.
Microwave oven transformers and capacitors, several.
Lots more small transformers of various ratings.
Motor run caps, and PFC caps.
Photoflash caps, an unseemly number in stock
Heatsinks, fans of various sizes
DC motors, AC motors.
High voltage 330k resistors, ideal for a Marx
Ferrite cores.
400 Hz synchros.
Switches, relays
Copper wire
Alli sheet
Re: For Sale -capacitors, transformers, motors, stuff, that I want to pass on to somebody who can use it
klugesmith, Thu Mar 24 2022, 09:08PM

Good to see you here, a face from the past.
Unfortunately I'm 8 time zones away, and also need to downsize
after decades of scrounging.
Re: For Sale -capacitors, transformers, motors, stuff, that I want to pass on to somebody who can use it
Muttyfutty!, Sun Apr 17 2022, 07:12PM

Hey Dr. Slack -

I'm Cambridge based, so not too far. I'd be interested in HV or "power" stuff like heatsinks, Capacitors, Semiconductors and the like. Do you have any more info on what you're offering?
