A Clock using One Arm Bandit Reels for Display Output

Aard-Wolf, Fri Jun 26 2020, 07:26AM

Hey folks!

This project is not my own, but that of a colleague at work.

His idea was to build a digital clock and use surplus reels taken from a one arm bandit gambling machine as the display. Pretty well all of the circuitry is hand wired 'old school' logic. The project has so far taken several months of building in his spare time. He tells me that he now only has to create an acrylic cover to protect the reels, but otherwise it is complete.

Here is the video he posted on YouTube showing the building and operation of his clock project, which amusingly he has called "The Time Bandit" cheesey

Re: A Clock using One Arm Bandit Reels for Display Output
Aard-Wolf, Fri Jun 26 2020, 07:38AM

Time Bandit Clock

Sorry, forum would not let me edit my post to label the link, so here it is again...