Opening for coil owner in San Francisco

Finn Hammer, Tue Sept 04 2018, 10:11PM

Hope you are all well and at good health.
I have built a coil for a Swedish performer, who does a show ( Link2 ) about Nicola Tesla and electricity (from a feminist point of view, or so she says).
She is going to do a couple of shows in San Francisco, and is looking into renting a coil locally for the show, or perhaps even having one built. A coil that is around 60 Inches tall and can do 40 inches of spark will do nicely. DRSSTC, with Industrial Fiber Optics 40mill fiber input. She has a trained (by me) stage technician to operate the coil herself.

Please contact me PM, if you are interested in renting your coil or in building and selling one.

We are talking end of March, 2019.
Cheers, Finn Hammer