HTSC experiments

Conundrum, Sat Mar 17 2018, 05:54AM

Hi all.
After the unfortunate incident, I have not been deterred and in fact the authorities think I may be onto something here.

I've agreed to share the work with them in the event it works, as this could have all sorts of unforeseen applications.
My set up so far is to use the Bi2223 variant but with some "secret sauce" involving selective electrostatic treatment under oxygen flow while cooling it to a critical region very close to the lower limit normally used for oxygen annealing.

This is where the interesting idea comes in. By selectively irradiating the sample with different wavelengths of blue and near UV light at very precise polarizations under electrostatic field, I believe that a minority phase will become dominant which may superconduct at 155-221K with a pronounced peak near 207K where all the resonances align.
The tricky part is to get everything correct or it simply turns into the more common formula with Tc near 93K.

Once locked in place it should be very stable indeed, my plan here is to lock it all in place with clear Epoxy with the 4 point silver wires attached to each corner on a microscope slide or other carrier plate so that it does not break down in air (tested on my Y123 samples from ebay)
As I can treat several pellets at the same time I should then be able to select the most promising ones and send for further testing, X-ray analysis etc.

As it seems I need this peer reviewed it will get written up as a scientific paper even if it does not work as well as expected, others may be able to improve upon it.


(note: see relevant information here Link2 not my paper but useful for reference purposes)