CT's acting funny

Tom540, Sun Nov 19 2006, 10:46AM

I noticed something odd with my coil today. When I put my finger on one of the current transformers I noticed that sparks got a lot bigger. The harder I push the bigger the sparks get. I am using the same setup as Steve Ward uses for primary current feedback with two cascaded 33 turn CT's and the Zeners etc. Okay now I'm thinking maybe I need bigger cores for the CT's for better coupling? I have no clue whats going on partialy because it's 3AM and I'm tired. The coil is just a small lash up. I'll post some pics tommorow if I have the chance. Anyone have any idea?
Re: CT's acting funny
Sulaiman, Sun Nov 19 2006, 12:45PM

could be that you're 'earthing' the windings,
try wraping a new wire all over the 33 turns of the CT
and earth ONE end to act as an electrostatic shield
(leave the other end floating)
Re: CT's acting funny
Tom540, Mon Nov 20 2006, 02:24AM

Thanks, It didnt work at all that way though. I added another ct with around 10 turns and it seemd to help so im assuming my ct's aren't good enough. I guess I'll need some bigger ferrite cores.
Re: CT's acting funny
Tom540, Mon Nov 20 2006, 03:32AM

I take that back its still acting weird. It doesnt start up till I touch the ct again.