Radioactive steel?

Conundrum, Wed Jan 24 2018, 07:51AM

Not saying how but it appears due to an unrelated event I might have 60Co contamination in my desk, scope etc dating from around 1996.
The steel in its frame came from a dubious source in Europe and at the time it was less of an issue due to radiation from nuclear tests etc.

How would I go about checking for this?
The increase in radiation is noticeable on an unshielded SBM20 and in fact my counter registered an increase way back (2006) and for obvious reasons want to make sure any possible contamination is removed.

Kind regards, -A
Re: Radioactive steel?
Proud Mary, Mon Mar 05 2018, 01:24AM

Warship war graves of the Second World War are being illegally salvaged around Indonesia as a source of low-background steel from the pre-atom bomb era. Such steel is used in MRI scanners.

Re: Radioactive steel?
AndreiRS, Mon Mar 05 2018, 02:06AM

It is emitting something now? I don't understand radiation, but... I don't see how a contaminated metal would become clear alone for any reason other than natural decay.
Re: Radioactive steel?
Conundrum, Mon Mar 05 2018, 07:59PM

I need to get hold of or build a spectrometer, to see if there is characteristic radiation from 137Cs or 60Co.