Paul Ion (dust) Trap

Nik, Tue Oct 17 2017, 03:13AM

Ever since I started playing with high voltage I wanted to have some kind of antique-esque demonstration, like the ones that show up at the bottom of every Google search for electrical equipment, so finally I made a desktop Paul Trap. Inside there is a small variac and a 15kv 30mA NST with 10megohms in series with each leg (loading the particles involves getting quite close to the trap). To make viewing a little easier and more interesting I also build an LED strobe that will pulse between 55 and 65Hz, allowing motion of the particles to be slowed or stopped completely. To load the particles I fill a plastic spoon with powder (artificial coffee creamer seems to work well) and then use a hand held van de graaff generator (the "Fun Fly Stick") to charge the powder causing it to jump into the trap. If the voltage is set right the most highly charged particles are grabbed and will remain stable in the trap for several hours on a dry day.

Viewed with the strobe: Link2
