Qcw driver, initial oscillator with common logic chips

Pac85hv, Fri Sept 01 2017, 06:23PM

I'm bulding a qcw and I would like to use the ud2.7 driver.
I read of all the necessary modifcations (like bigger bus caps) but I was wondering if it was worth to add a startup oscillator. I made a simple schematic which uses a 555 timer to generate the startup signal, a johnson counter to determine after how many cycles the oscillator should stop and a few logic gates, I would like your opinion on this circuit and some advices on how to integrate it in the ud driver schematic. Quick explaination on how it works:
When the interrupter is off the 4017's reset pin is pulled high, this way it doesn't start counting. When the interrupter goes on the reset signal will be 0 allowing the counter to operate. The startup signal will reach the gate driver section and will make the coil oscillate at the desired pole. Once a set number of cycles the johnson counter will stop receiving the clock signal and the gate driver section will start receiving the feedback signal.
I know that the chips I've used in this schematic have different logic levels but it should be easy to fix, I would like to receive feedback regarding the concept and not the schematic itself.
Re: Qcw driver, initial oscillator with common logic chips
Sulaiman, Sat Sept 02 2017, 07:09PM

The concept seems logical,
but as you are using a 555 for the clock/carrier,
why not use a 1/2 of a 556 ?
then the other half can be a monostable to enable the clock astable.