Question about SCR gate triggering

Kolas, Sun Aug 13 2017, 01:53PM

It may or may not be common knowledge that SCRs can be triggered by a diode across their gate and their anode.
A very brief example is shown here
For those of you not interested in clicking the link, this is the visual example taken from that site:
1502631744 102 FT0 Scr With Diode

Generally, fast rise time pulses are preferred for SCR gate triggering. The rise time would be comparatively slow given that the frequency is 60hz.
So my question is: Will this type of triggering cause hotspots and other modes of failure in an SCR operating at fairly high currents?

This question relates to the use of SCRs as diodes in a full wave rectifier. (because they were cheaper)

1502632052 102 FT0 Scr Bridge

The last question: Are there any other reasons why this would not operate as it appears it would/should?