LCD panels

Conundrum, Sun Jul 03 2016, 05:03AM

If anyone is interested I have about 100+ mostly CCFL panels similar to the LTN156AT01-D01 and a few even larger 19" and 21".

Figured that now thanks to boards like the Pi Zero adding basic video functionality to them shouldn't be that hard, also could use the clock output or even something sneaky like the existing composite video output to drive the backlight via a DC-HV converter similar to a Royer inverter driven from an LM1881.
(IIRC the Pi can be programmed to generate sync even when the video is set to HDMI)

The LVDS and HDMI are remarkably similar, though the timing is somewhat different.
Its feasible that when powered a panel fed this way could generate a partial picture or multiple pictures and have seen this on a broken dv9000 laptop before when the chipset went bad.

any ideas?
(offers to take a few panels for "research" purposes, please PM me)