Tiger Lights Out Algorithm....

Slava, Fri Mar 04 2016, 01:50AM

I am currently trying to write an algorithm that solves the lights out game...

I am writing it in C# ... the idea is this...

start at the top and toggle the light under the one that is turned on. Work your way down to the bottom. If the pass doesn't solve the puzzle start at the top again with a random light at the top turned on.

Here is a web based version of the game to try it out. Link2

Here is my C# code... (Yes, I can make a "DidWin()" function faster but it works for now, the game should solve in only a few iteration...)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

namespace LightsOut002
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            LightsOutBoard lo1 = new LightsOutBoard();
            lo1.Grid[1, 2] = true;
            lo1.Grid[2, 2] = true;
            lo1.Grid[3, 2] = true;

            Console.WriteLine("PRESS ENTER TO START...");

            while (true)

                for (int yy = 1; yy < 5; yy++)

                    for (int xx = 0; xx < 5; xx++)

                        // show while working
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

                        if (lo1.Grid[xx, yy - 1] == true)
                            lo1.Press(xx, yy);



                if (lo1.DidWin() == false)
                    Random rnd1 = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
                    int top_num = rnd1.Next(0, 4);
                    lo1.Grid[top_num, 0] = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("YOU WIN!!!!!");



        class LightsOutBoard
            public bool[,] Grid = new bool[5, 5];

            public bool DidWin()
                int cnt = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                        if (Grid[x, y] == true) { cnt++; }

                bool ret = false;
                if (cnt < 1) { ret = true; } else { ret = false; }
                return ret;

            public void Press(int x, int y)
                if (Grid[x, y] == true) { Grid[x, y] = false; } else { Grid[x, y] = true; }

                if ((x - 1) >= 0)
                    Grid[x - 1, y] = !Grid[x - 1, y];

                if ((x + 1) <= 4)
                    Grid[x + 1, y] = !Grid[x + 1, y];

                if ((y - 1) >= 0)
                    Grid[x, y - 1] = !Grid[x, y - 1];

                if ((y + 1) <= 4)
                    Grid[x, y + 1] = !Grid[x, y + 1];


            public string ToStr()
                string ret = "";
                for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                        if (Grid[x, y] == true)
                            ret += "X ";
                            ret += "- ";

                    ret += "\n\n";


                return ret;



Re: Tiger Lights Out Algorithm....
Bjørn, Fri Mar 04 2016, 11:32AM

I can see two flaws in the code.

rnd1.Next(0, 4);
will never generate the number 4 so the rightmost light will never be randomly set.

There exists a pattern that causes your algorithm enter an infinite loop:
Re: Tiger Lights Out Algorithm....
Slava, Fri Mar 04 2016, 02:52PM

It works now!!!!

Re: Tiger Lights Out Algorithm....
Slava, Fri Mar 04 2016, 03:07PM

Lights Out Solve 001
Re: Tiger Lights Out Algorithm....
Slava, Fri Mar 04 2016, 05:18PM

Here is a more efficient approach based on the algorithm I found in this video... For some reason it still takes a lot of iterations to solve...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

namespace LightsOut002
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            LightsOutBoard lo1 = new LightsOutBoard();
            lo1.Grid[1, 2] = true;
            lo1.Grid[2, 2] = true;
            lo1.Grid[3, 2] = true;

            Console.WriteLine("PRESS ENTER TO START...");

            while (true)

                for (int yy = 1; yy < 5; yy++)

                    for (int xx = 0; xx < 5; xx++)

                        // show while working
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;

                        if (lo1.Grid[xx, yy - 1] == true)
                            lo1.Press(xx, yy);


                if (lo1.DidWin() == false)

                    bool gotit = false;

                    if ((lo1.Grid[0, 4] == true) & (gotit == false))
                        gotit = true;
                        lo1.Grid[3, 0] = true;
                        lo1.Grid[4, 0] = true;
                    if ((lo1.Grid[1, 4] == true) & (gotit == false))
                        gotit = true;
                        lo1.Grid[1, 0] = true;
                        lo1.Grid[4, 0] = true;
                    if ((lo1.Grid[2, 4] == true) & (gotit == false))
                        gotit = true;
                        lo1.Grid[3, 0] = true;

                    if (gotit == false)
                        Random rnd1 = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
                        int top_num = rnd1.Next(0, 5);
                        lo1.Grid[top_num, 0] = true;

                    Console.WriteLine("YOU WIN!!!!!");



        class LightsOutBoard
            public bool[,] Grid = new bool[5, 5];

            public bool DidWin()
                int cnt = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                        if (Grid[x, y] == true) { cnt++; }

                bool ret = false;
                if (cnt < 1) { ret = true; } else { ret = false; }
                return ret;

            public void Press(int x, int y)
                if (Grid[x, y] == true) { Grid[x, y] = false; } else { Grid[x, y] = true; }

                if ((x - 1) >= 0)
                    Grid[x - 1, y] = !Grid[x - 1, y];

                if ((x + 1) <= 4)
                    Grid[x + 1, y] = !Grid[x + 1, y];

                if ((y - 1) >= 0)
                    Grid[x, y - 1] = !Grid[x, y - 1];

                if ((y + 1) <= 4)
                    Grid[x, y + 1] = !Grid[x, y + 1];


            public string ToStr()
                string ret = "";
                for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
                        if (Grid[x, y] == true)
                            ret += "X ";
                            ret += "- ";

                    ret += "\n\n";


                return ret;


Re: Tiger Lights Out Algorithm....
jdub1581hv, Fri Mar 04 2016, 06:28PM

not sure if it's the same in C#, but it is usually a good idea in for loops to have the following:
for( int i = 0; i <= 5; i++){ code }
adding the 'or equals' helps to avoid memory leaks..

I'm a java whore so it may be different... But have you thought of Java? the JavaFX is a really clean UI, and easy to use..
There is also the added bonus of lambdas, FXML (UI markup), and javascript all built in.. Syntax is 'almost' identical..
Almost forgot the Stream api as well, it's Very fast with list sorting, mapping, etc...

I did a lot of 3d work with it, and with the Stream api, I could iterate 5 million+ vertices in no time at all, on top of the other items / textures in the scenegraph