CAD210 Homework...

Slava, Sat Feb 20 2016, 06:25PM



Re: CAD210 Homework...
Mads Barnkob, Sun Feb 28 2016, 01:36PM

8 days has passed and no updating edit has been made for this thread to live up to project board rules.

Oversized pictures, remember maximum width is 600px. Either do this in ['img tag by adding width=600 after ['img or use picture upload on 4hv.

Pictures resized, thread closed.

* Be clear and concise. Remember, you are presenting your project to the community and guests. It should be clear what your project does, or what you're hoping to accomplish.

* Be thorough. A link to a website isn't appropriate, neither is a short paragraph. When possible, include images and other media.

* All information needs to be consolodated to the very first post in the thread. You may post short posts in your thread stating that you've updated your project thread, keeping in mind the double posting rule, but any actual updating needs to be done by modifying the very first post in the thread.

* Asking and answering questions about the project is fine, but discussion is not permitted on this particular board. If you wish to have a detailed discussion, please take it to the appropriate board.

* Brief posts expressing admiration and supportive comments are allowed, and encouraged. Helpful suggestions are fine, too. Outright criticism and rude comments will result in swift administrative action.

* Your project need not be completed, but it must be beyond the planning stages.