Check out my small DC squealing tesla coil

Roger, Mon Sept 04 2006, 12:06PM

Here is a picture of my small DC Tesla coil. For ballasting it uses about a 30 Hennery inductor and 25k ohms of resistance. I works well with a static spark gap and fires at a much higher rate than dose a Tesla coil using a neon sign transformer. That makes for quit a cool looking and sounding discharge. Words can't describe it so check out this link. The video covers everything but I will list the specs here anyway.

Primary capacitor .008 uf
Primary turns 9
Secondary 800 turns .01 inch diameter wire wound on a 2.5 inch diameter form, 8 inches long.
1157371593 221 FT0 Babytesla
Re: Check out my small DC squealing tesla coil
Avalanche, Mon Sept 04 2006, 10:51PM

Nice coil! I have been building a very similar spark gap coil, in fact almost exactly the same dimensions. I'll also be powering mine from DC from a fairly large flyback, so it will be interesting to see how they compare. Your coil sounds a lot like another one of my small coils, the high BPS really makes them scream!

I like the vids too, we need more HV related videos like that.
Re: Check out my small DC squealing tesla coil
Coronafix, Tue Sept 05 2006, 03:09AM

That is awesome Roger, I definately agree with Avalanche, we need more tesla vids like yours.
I'm not sure that that is an accurate comparison of the DC versus NST though. The DC is inputing a lot more power than your 1230 NST, or are you thinking that the resistors and charging choke setup are creating similar input?
Also your cap value is not ideal for the NST resonant value, this could affect performance as well.
I think the spark gap heating is a sure sign that more that 360W is going through it.
Re: Check out my small DC squealing tesla coil
Roger, Tue Sept 05 2006, 01:13PM

I agree that my Tesla coil didn't work that great with the neon sign transformer. My objective was just to demonstrate the difference in the sound and appearance of the sparks. I didn't mean it to look like a performance comparison. There is no question that I had more power going into the DC coil.

I'm glad you all like the video format. I got my inspiration form Richard Hull, the king of Tesla coil video.
Re: Check out my small DC squealing tesla coil
Coronafix, Tue Sept 05 2006, 10:58PM

Cool. I love the squeal of the DC.
I watched your large tesla coil vids as well, very nice.
Also love the sound of the rotary before the storm of arcs.