DS1023 digital delay line

teravolt, Thu Aug 24 2006, 03:56AM

If you guys ar interested in cool IC's the DS1023 alows you to create digital delay. In this IC the output will equal the input width with a programed delay using binary. I am currently using this device to create dead times and pulse train delays into the sub nanosecond to 1us digitally. this might have applications with a microproseser based controle tongue
Re: DS1023 digital delay line
Terry Fritz, Thu Aug 24 2006, 05:39PM


I was thinking the uP could do the timing directly, but this could off load some of the easy stuff from the processor so it could spend more time running the pretty panel lights cheesey

But the timing might have to be changed "on the fly" depending on peak current and streamer load... Hmmmm...

