Homemade Caps

Part Scavenger, Wed Aug 16 2006, 08:11PM

I don't know why I'm having so much trouble finding this. Could anyone direct me to any webpages/books on capacitor designs, their advantages, stuff like that?

I'm trying to build a homemade capacitor to replace the MMC in my DRSSTC because well, I'm cheap and I like to know about stuff. Currently, my DRSSTC is down, so I was testing my prototype in a small SGTC, it worked great but soon got hot. I was also wondering how to minimize ESL, ESR, etc.

Also, anything on homemade electrolytics? Yeah, probably not.

Part Scavenger
Re: Homemade Caps
Marko, Wed Aug 16 2006, 08:20PM

I have some future plans for building caps based on poliester, but I have yet to start with that.

Intention was to use stacks of stat thing soaked in poliester, making a solid-block capacitor that is much less messy than oil-PE caps.

Few things I worry about are dielectric losses on synthetic armature (I just hope it's less than fiberglass wool).

For a DRSSTC, MMC still seems best option since it usually won't face such high voltage and energy like SGTC cap for equal power.
Re: Homemade Caps
benbradley, Wed Aug 16 2006, 09:49PM

ISTR an "original" TC cap for the primary resonant circuit was made of a sandwich of stacked aluminum foil and plate glass. I recall seeing a TC with one of these 20 years ago.

I found a too-short mention of glass caps here:
As always it's interesting reading, it explains the conical primary windings I see in "modern" TC designs.

<i>Also, anything on homemade electrolytics? Yeah, probably not.</i>

Look on cap manufacturer's websites, through their app notes and stuff. They usually explain some of the manufacturing process, what substances are used (in addition to aluminum or tantalum) and such.
Re: Homemade Caps
Sulaiman, Thu Aug 17 2006, 08:47AM

Look in the pupman archives for lots of info on home-rolled TC capacitors.

I gave up trying to roll my own, MMC is so much easier and reliable.

Good luck.
Re: Homemade Caps
Grant, Thu Aug 17 2006, 02:22PM

One can only burn up so many hand rolled capacitors before it becomes overwhelmingly frustrating. While I have had home rolled caps last a decent length of time the effort that went in to making them didn't seem to be worth their unstable nature. I too would suggest sticking with an MMC.