SSTC using ZVS flyback driver

ZakWolf, Sun Jan 29 2012, 11:40PM

I tried making a sstc powered by the ZVS circuit before with know success.

This time i lowered the cap value, and primary turns.

Results: 4" arcs to ground and 1-1/2" corona breakdown.


.05uf tank cap
1+1 primary
amp draw ?

How do i get better results,how do i go about tuning this coil?

Lastly, why doesn't the top load have a break out, but the ground does?

Heres a video Link2

EDIT: left mosfet died :(
Re: SSTC using ZVS flyback driver
m4ge123, Mon Jan 30 2012, 12:27AM

Your MOSFETs aren't happy because your primary resonant frequency is ~600Khz. Increase your tank cap value and/or primary inductance.
My guess as to why the ground makes streamers but the topload doesn't is that the topload has a large electric field around it with low change in voltage per length, whereas the ground wire has a high change in voltage per length.
Re: SSTC using ZVS flyback driver
ZakWolf, Mon Jan 30 2012, 12:45AM

The only other cap i have is a .08uf will that help if i add it to the .05uf cap?

Re: SSTC using ZVS flyback driver
Platinum, Mon Feb 06 2012, 07:15PM

I'm not very good, but with the ZVS the higher capacitance the tank cap is the lower frequency the ZVS runs at, try using a small cap, but if you pushing alot of power it will explode.
Re: SSTC using ZVS flyback driver
m4ge123, Mon Feb 06 2012, 08:19PM

That will help some, but you really should have about a uF of tank capacitance.