nanoDRSSTC with audiomod (ya, rly)

Plasmaniac, Sun Jun 25 2006, 06:37PM

After I allready built nanoSSTCs and nanoSGTCs I wanna go for a nanoDRSSTC now. I will use good old IRFP460s and 8 MOSFET driver to get a clear drive signal at 700-800kHz.

I'm going to use an AVR as interrupter, so I have the chance of playing monophone melodies on it. Maybe I'll add a keyboard also amazed

The torid is 55x15mm and the secondary 6cm .05mm wire on a 25mm former. I'll drill a 1mm hole in the screw you see in the middle and put a 1mm tungsten breakoutpoint in it.

1151260358 206 FT0 Nanodrsstc Torus

I'm going to test my interruper now and maybe also programm my "keyboard" 'till I don't have all parts for the driver.

I think I'll go for secondary feedback again, but with a shunt instead of a ct.