External Harddrive troubles

HazzWold 1993, Fri Jul 22 2011, 06:13AM

Hi all, I have a 500gb Maxtor external hard drive and upon trying to open it, it displayed the message "F:\ is not accessible The file or directory is corrupted or unreadable". Now I assumed at first that this could be physical problem (it may well be as I have had it for two years) but just an hour ago I was able to access it for a short period, alas I had no where to back it up as my computer drive is full and I had nothing else spare. There is around 340gb worth of files on there so If it is salvageable that would be my preference. Can anybody shed some insight into this?
Re: External Harddrive troubles
Bjørn, Fri Jul 22 2011, 09:08AM

It can be anything, it can be the PSU, it can be the drive itself, it can be the controller. What I normally do is to move it to another cabinet or into a PC to remove two of the possibilities.

Have a listen if it is making noises, if it have problems with tracking or bad secors it is often possible to hear it working while it tries to recalibrate itself. I have had one drive chugging away for 3 days before it suddenly was ok again. If a drive has caused problem once it is best to retire it because it is not worth the risk of having years problems.
Re: External Harddrive troubles
HazzWold 1993, Sat Jul 23 2011, 02:22AM

Hey it righted itself, and I have since transferred all files to a spare drive. Once I restarted the computer it ran a disk check for my drive, went through about an hour of "Recovering orphaned file ***** to directory file *****"
I also backed it up. So I should be fine now. Thanks